[NOVO] Curso Pipefy AI
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We've announced the new timetables for our Open Office Our!Our Open Office Hour is an online event in which we receive, for half an hour, all Pipefy users who need to clear any doubt. We have a process specialist hosting to talk to you and answer your questions! 🤓 Portuguese Session:Tuesday at 10h30 BRT 🤓 English Session:Wednesdays at 10 am PST 🤓 Spanish Session:Thursdays at 11h BRT See you there!
Hi Community!We are focused on the growth of the Pipefy Community and we count on you to help us on this journey. 🤔Do you know the Superusers Program?It’s an extra motivation so that this journey becomes even more exciting for all of us and members, who can reach the extra mile with Pipefy.Become a Superuser and guarantee:💬Private group access🎁The top 3 earn a gift card (monthly)💡Possibility to early access to Beta features (Beta tester)💯Exchange points for giftsAnd much more…👉🏽Check now the attached document to understand better the program and how to be part of it!We are very proud to see the community we are building together!Thank you!
Here I share some ideas for using ChatGPT that can help when building queries and mutations. Mutation for updating cards: Here I think it's cool that it responds to an API limitation and brings a suggestion.I did a test giving the name of the fields and it already brings the custom code. Query to search for cards: In addition to bringing the code suggestion, it brings clear explanations of which fields need to be changed. Even with the limitations of updating ChatGPT, I believe it is a good tool to be used on a daily basis by those who work with Pipefy. It can also be used when creating interactions with Make/Integromat, among others. How have you been using ChatGPT together with Pipefy?
Our course waits for you at Pipefy Academy! From the basics of process management to automating and analyzing workflows, be confident you're making the most of your work with the best practices! By the end, you'll be gifted with a certificate that you can share to showcase your learnings. It's 100% online and free! Head on to the Academy ↗
Hi, I would love to send data from Pipefy to PowerBi and have interactive dashboards to keep track of my processes SLAs. Does any one here ever done that?
It's possible to upload a file and create and/or delete attachments in pipes using GraphQL API?
Hi community I'm trying to create a card in my pipe, but it only shows the error message ""query not found"":{""mutation"":""{ createCard( input:{ pipe_id:ID phase_id:ID title:'Test' fields_attributes:[ field_id:ID field_value:VALUE ]} ) { card { id title } } }""}Response: { ""errors"": [ { ""message"": ""query not found"" } ] }
I have a REST service that sends a customized email notification to all employees. [ With JSONas input ]I want to integrate this REST API with Pipefy, so when a card is created in pipefy, I want toformat card info (Data from Pipefy webhook) and do the job.Information:Created a webhook in pipefy using "https://app.pipefy.com/graphiql" using mutation"createwebhook" and, webhook is created with an idQuestion:How can I use this webhook and how can I call my own REST API (or how this webhookinteracts with my REST API ?)Please suggest
[GraphQL] Hello Everyone. I want to take a card ID and get all the standard AND custom data that has relations with it, so i.e: Card ABC has: Assignee Due date Company (that's a custom table I have created and inside this table, there's a custom ID i need to use) Etc... I am having trouble to get these information because I think that it's a simple "Inner Join" solution but after seeing all the reference APIs I couldnt understand the relationship between the tables. Someone ever did something like it and could help? Thanks!
How to get all cards from phase? And if the phase has more 50 cards, what i have to do?
Does allCards return more than 50 cards per query, or do we need to pass the ""first"" combined with ""after"" parameters?
Hello, all.I'm trying to get all cards from a pipe consuming the GraphQL API with Python.Everything was working until I had to use pagination to get more than 50 cards.Below, the code that is returning errors:url = ""https://api.pipefy.com/graphql""payload = ""{\""query\"": \""{ allCards(pipeId: XXXXXX, first: 50, after: \""WyIwLjYyNSIsIjIyOS4wIiw1MzExMzQ5M10=\"") { edges { node { id title phases_history { phase { name } firstTimeIn lastTimeOut } } cursor } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } }\""}""headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json','Authorization': 'Bearer <MY-AUTH-KEY>'}response = requests.request(""POST"", url, data=payload, headers=headers)response_body = response.textprint(response_body)Below, the error that returns:{""errors"":[{""message"":""Error parsing GraphQL request: error decoding JSON. This likely means that the GraphQL request was malformatted.: invalid character 'W' after object key:value pair""}]}If I just remove the, after: \""WyIwLjYyNSIsIjIyOS4wIi
Do you believe your pet has that certain “star quality”? This month's contest is for you! I mean… it is for your pet! We want to invite you to share with the Pipefy Community: If you could bring any of your pets to the office which one would you bring? Post a cool picture showing your dog, cat, parrot, goat, chinchilla, bird, horse, hamster, you name it, we’ve got it - and tell us why you had chosen him/her. The three most voted (and fluffy) pet’s photo will receive a surprise gift! 🗓️ You can post your picture until August 28th! The result will be announced on August 31st. Start your engines, community members and may the best pet win! 🐕🐹🦎🐦🐇
Hi! I'm working in a python script that read some fields from all cards from a pipe and them write it to pandas in Python. The main idea is to iterate through all key values from json list. Here's my code: import requests import jsonurl = ""https://api.pipefy.com/graphql""payload = ""{\""query\"":\""{ allCards (pipeId:127682, first:50) { edges { node { id title fields { name report_value updated_at value } } } }} \""}"" headers = { 'authorization': ""Bearer ""my_token"""", 'content-type': ""application/json"" }response = requests.request(""POST"", url, data=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text)Since here, all it's ok.But when I try to parse it with json with this code:json_dic=json.loads(response.text)for key in json_dic: print (key,"":"",json_dic[key])I just got an another list like the first ""print"", it seems that ""response.text"" is not a dict object, so when I parse it with json.loads, script can't identify the keys and separate them.Whats going wrong?Thx!
Hi doers!This will be a rather lengthy explanation of my problem, whose TLDR is: Uploading Files via API leads to URLs containing a “org/”, which seems to make it impossible to set them as attachment sources using the GraphQL API. Here the full explanation: I am trying to send E-Mails using Pipefy GraphQL API. In general, I do not have any problems with this. I can send E-Mails even with attachments. BUT: only if the attachments were uploaded manually. I am not able to do the attachment when using files uploaded via GraphQL API. Step 1: Upload (works)The upload works as described on this page:First, I request the URL to upload to:mutation { createPresignedUrl(input: { organizationId: 123, fileName: "MyDocument.pdf" }){ clientMutationId url }}Then, I do the upload:curl --request PUT--url 'https://pipefy-production.s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/orgs/ce63-a26b-412f-9d27-3a5776e16e/uploads/45da74d3-0e92-4e1c-a04e-2acc97169a3/SampleFile.pdf?...Signature=fa76e8bf28f88d8ceec1df8219912e10