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Reorganize Attachments


This idea is similar to Copy and Paste Images in Comments and Attachments | Pipefy Community and Let me sort the Attachments of a Card | Pipefy Community: I would like to be able to reorganize my attachments, meaning, I want to move attachments between fields and the attachment section of the card.


  1. 1. Multiple attachment fields: drag & drop attachment from one to the other
  2. 2. Attachment in Card from E-Mail: drag & drop to attachment field
  3. 3. Archive attachment: drag & drop from attachment field to card’s attachments (without field assigned)


2 replies

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff

Hello, Tim!

Thanks once more for stopping by to drop more suggestions. So I see here your suggestion involves both card attachments and email attachments, and more, a way for both to interact via d&d. I will push this feedback to our backlog for further analysis.


Giovanni Basso

Product Manager @ Pipefy

Giovanni Basso
Pipefy Staff
Updated idea status NewSubmitted


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