KANBAN PHASE SORT: Add "Labels" as an option

Background: Labels are very useful because they are very visible on Kanban view of pipes. This means you are likely to use them for the most important information (since it’s the most visible). However, phases can’t be sorted by Labels (thus labels don’t appear grouped together)

IDEA: Add Labels as a SORT option for the phase sorts.

Outcome: This will make the phase sort a lot more useful. Currently we for example, sort manually by label for some pipes.

Do you know of the “filter” option in the Kanban view?

It does not do exactly what you ask for, but could come a long way to simplify your process.


Thanks - yes, of course @genietim we are using the filter. 

But as you say that’s not solving the actual issue.

Hello @Keto-Faster , thanks for your suggestion, would you be able to share a bit more of the outcome you expect? 

Do you want to order by alphabetical order? Or per example see first all cards with label A or B. Or something else?

If you can send an example of your pipe, would be helpful for our product team to understand better your problem and think of the better solution. 

Appreciate !

Hi @Danielle Diehl 

Yes, for us it would be by the order of the “labels” aka - how they have been set up for the PIPE.

So in our example below, we have set up the most important at top, and the least at bottom. And we’d want to sort in that order. 


As a side note, it would be good if we could move the order of labels in this panel on the side also. Currently we have to create them in the order that we want to see them (typically highest priority, to lowest priority).

How interesting to hear, I have never thought of the labels having an order. Very Interesting.


And what do you do when a card has more than one label? Does the “upper” or the “lower” one decide?


And if you had two “types of label orders”, simplest example: first group with “Urgent” and “Not urgent”, second with “Internal” and “External”, this whole system apparently gets exponentially more complicated thanks to unintended use, how interesting!


As long as the only “label category” is urgency, I wonder why you are not just using the due dates?

Hey @genietim,

We haven’t been using more than one label on the cards - we’re just currently using them for priority, as that’s the most important thing in today’s world with too much to do - and they are the most prominent.

Re. Due Dates

I think due dates have a different purpose.

We are using labels to prioritize, because we always have too much to do - it’s basically an agile like backlog situation for any area - we have issues that are small or bigger priority to fix, or we have opportunities that are small or big. And we’re constantly prioritizing based on a changing environment. So we’re using the labels to prioritize and ignore or leave to last the items that aren’t important - and due dates can’t do that.

Does that make sense?

Amazing interaction @Keto-Faster and @genietim ! Thanks for sharing your points of view on this subject! 

I was with @genietim on this, thinking of scenarios where a card would have a lot of labels, and not only one category as @Keto-Faster example. 
So helpful to understand the use case, to better plan a solution! 
Again, thanks for sharing! 
I am submitting this idea to the whole product team! 

Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

@Keto-Faster one idea I just had that might work for your use case specifically:

Use a field, “card title (automatic, hidden)” and a field “card title”. Use a field, “label”.

Then, use an automation to update the automatic card title with the label’s field value + the modifieable card title field.

Use the automatic card title as the actual card’s title. That way, the title of the card will automatically contain the current label in the beginning. If you name the labels with numbers in the beginning, for example “1 Urgent”, “2 High” (or inanother way such that they are sorted also alphabetically), you can easily use the existing sorting infrastructure of Pipefy (sort by title) to achieve what you want.