
[GraphQL] Can I filter cards by custom field values?

  • 4 January 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

I’ve seen here ( that we can filter cards by using built-in field liks update_at.


How can I filter my cards by a custom field? Let’s say i have a field called “customer_id”. I tried this but didnt get it to work:


query allCardUpdatedYesterday { allCards(first: 20, pipeId: 123,filter: { field: "customer_id", operator: equal, value: "87y8-b7a6b-8a6c"}) { edges { node { id title } } } }


Do I have to prefix the field id with something?


The response I get does not add much:


  "data": {
    "allCards": null
  "errors": [
      "message": "Something went wrong",
      "locations": [
          "line": 18,
          "column": 3
      "path": [
      "code": 30000,
      "type": "ExecutionError"


Best answer by Marcos Carvalho 6 January 2021, 14:10

View original

2 replies

Userlevel 1

Concordo que seria incrível se pudéssemos filtrar por custom field

I agree it would be amazing if we could filter by custom field 

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Hey @brennomaeji , 


Unfortunately it’s not possible to filter by fields in the allCards query. 


The only filter available is the updated_at filter, like this:

allCards(pipeId: 576018, first:5 filter: {field: "updated_at", operator: gte, value: "2019-04-02T00:00:00-00:00" AND:[{field: "updated_at", operator: lte, value: "2019-04-03T00:00:00-00:00"}]}) {
edges {
node {
pageInfo {



But if you want, the Cards query has more options: 



Hope it helps you :slight_smile:
