[NOVO] Curso Pipefy AI
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Hi Community!We are focused on the growth of the Pipefy Community and we count on you to help us on this journey. 🤔Do you know the Superusers Program?It’s an extra motivation so that this journey becomes even more exciting for all of us and members, who can reach the extra mile with Pipefy.Become a Superuser and guarantee:💬Private group access🎁The top 3 earn a gift card (monthly)💡Possibility to early access to Beta features (Beta tester)💯Exchange points for giftsAnd much more…👉🏽Check now the attached document to understand better the program and how to be part of it!We are very proud to see the community we are building together!Thank you!
Here I share some ideas for using ChatGPT that can help when building queries and mutations. Mutation for updating cards: Here I think it's cool that it responds to an API limitation and brings a suggestion.I did a test giving the name of the fields and it already brings the custom code. Query to search for cards: In addition to bringing the code suggestion, it brings clear explanations of which fields need to be changed. Even with the limitations of updating ChatGPT, I believe it is a good tool to be used on a daily basis by those who work with Pipefy. It can also be used when creating interactions with Make/Integromat, among others. How have you been using ChatGPT together with Pipefy?
We've announced the new timetables for our Open Office Our!Our Open Office Hour is an online event in which we receive, for half an hour, all Pipefy users who need to clear any doubt. We have a process specialist hosting to talk to you and answer your questions! 🤓 Portuguese Session:Tuesday at 10h30 BRT 🤓 English Session:Wednesdays at 10 am PST 🤓 Spanish Session:Thursdays at 11h BRT See you there!
Our course waits for you at Pipefy Academy! From the basics of process management to automating and analyzing workflows, be confident you're making the most of your work with the best practices! By the end, you'll be gifted with a certificate that you can share to showcase your learnings. It's 100% online and free! Head on to the Academy ↗
Greetings, dear team! I would like to use Pipefy to manage reimbursement requests for the non-governmental organization I am part of. I will be the only administrator, and I will handle a maximum of 200 reimbursement request cards per year.To achieve this, I created a simple process in Pipefy with three email automation rules to notify collaborators whether their reimbursement request was approved, rejected, or has been processed/deposited.However, I noticed that after sending around three of these automated emails in a single day, the free version of Pipefy simply stops functioning. From that point on, none of the collaborators who submitted reimbursement requests receive any email updates regarding their status (approved, rejected, processed), and as the administrator of the reimbursement process, I receive the following email: “You have exceeded the daily free plan quota for sending emails. Upgrade your plan now to keep using pipefy and access all our features". I would be extremely
I have a form that is 100% anonymous, and I’ve been using the public link for people to fill it out. Until now, it worked even for those who were logged in, and the card would be created under Pipebot.However, today I noticed that the public link's background was not the one I set—it displayed the new portals instead. Additionally, when I opened a card, it was no longer anonymous.This is likely a bug, and I have reported it, but I still wanted to mention it here….
Hi everyone,I’ve been working in real estate for a while now and I’m curious about how to effectively generate more leads. I’ve tried a few different strategies, but I’m wondering if anyone has experience with Realtor Flow. Is it a good tool for lead generation, and does it actually help convert those leads into clients? I'm especially interested in hearing about realtors who’ve used it in both competitive markets and areas with less demand. Any tips or experiences would be greatly appreciated!Looking forward to your feedback!Thanks in advance!
We’re using the Pipefy API to move a card to a “Cancelled” Phase when an external event occurs.The issue we face is that the API bombs out with a runtime error when there are incomplete mandatory fields on the cards current phase. I’m trying to come up with a way to manage this particular situation.One solution, in theory, could be for the API to set the value of a particular field on the Start Form to signal field conditionals (on all phases) to hide all fields. That would work, except there’s an established bug in Pipefy which means that field conditionals are not triggered when a field is updated via the API. They only trigger when a field is updated via the user interface. (A bug I reported more than 12 months ago!).Any suggestions very much appreciatedThanks
Olá comunidade, Para quem acompanha nossas comunicações, estamos a um passo de oferecer uma nova experiência para requisitantes internos e externos: os novos portais da Pipefy.Com esta novidade, estamos dando um salto de eficiência e personalização, simplificando as solicitações, centralizando informações e elevando o engajamento dos requisitantes.Por isso, estamos fazendo o desligamento dos antigos portais e precisamos que vocês incluam no seu planejamento a adoção do portal já com os novos benefícios.Esta ação vai ser super importante para que a sua operação não seja impactada.Os portais antigos serão desativados em duas etapas:Primeira fase: 31/01/2025 Segunda fase: 14/02/2025O desligamento será realizado de forma randomizada, então, caso prefira manter seu portal antigo ativo por mais tempo, envie sua solicitação neste formulário até o dia 30/01/2025.🚀 Por que estamos mudando Portal Pipefy?O Novo Portal não é apenas uma atualização – é um salto na eficiência e personalização:✅ Pe
I know this has been asked before but I’m just wondering if it has been implemented and added to the API. Is there a way to get the activity center, where comments, audit trail, etc are on a card, are they available via the API? i.e. can this info be pushed into another system?
I would like to suggest a way to add the date the card was created in the email templates and/or even in the card subtitle. This is interesting information to appear in email notifications and to control pipe participants.
Olá, pessoal, boa tarde.Espero que estejam bem. Preciso de uma ajuda: eu uso uma query para trazer os campos de um card, bem como uso o Make (integromat) para uma ou duas ações.Porém, em todos os casos eu percebi uma coisa: as informações só vem se os campos estão preenchidos. Num dos fluxos que estou montando, preciso que apareçam os campos vazios, também.Isso é possível? Se sim, como?Exemplo de query que uso para consultar campos de um card, por exemplo: query {card(id: "ID DO CARD") {idtitlefields { field { label } value } }}
Toda vez que mudo um card e a automação está configurada recebo um email de limite de envio de emails excedido.Qual seria o limite para plano free?
Hi guys, how do you add 2 buttons ‘Approve’ & ‘Reject’ to the email Template. Please can you also add a screenshot of the coding with your illustration. Thanks
Obrigado por mais um ano juntos! Estamos felizes em te ajudar a otimizar seu trabalho no ano de 2024.Antes de colocar a mão na massa, confira todas as novidades que implementamos no último ano:
Can someone help me understand the purpose of the “Synchronize card's field with this fixed field” capability on fields like Assignee, Label, Due Date?Perhaps someone can suggest some real-world use cases which would help me see how/why.Also, what direction is sync? eg;if an assignee field is set, does this update the Assignee field on the Card if the Assignee field on the card is set, does this update Assignee fields on Phases?THanks for any help
Hi, i recently came to know about pipefy. Im social media marketer and i mostly use Whatsapp for that. Groups are main source for my content share for cheetah links tiktok whatsapp groups. How do i automate groups by using some type of software or any other thing
We have a Pipe “Customers” which contains all our customers (synchronised automatically from our CRM).We have a Pipe “Customer Enquiry” which customers use (via public Form) to submit a new enquiry.To save time for repeat customers when placing an enquiry, we want to allow them to pick their details from the “Customers” pipe *and* have the data from the “Customers” pipe prefill certain fields in the “Customer Enquiry” pipe (Name, Business Address etc).When we include a “Customers” Pipe Connection in the “Customer Enquiry” Pipe, it seems we can only configure prefill to work from Customer Enquiry into Customers rather than the other way around?Am I missing something here? Can anyone suggest a solution?
Hi guys / @claudia-bar , @thassia, @marcosmelo , @amanda-dianni are we able to change phases via the email alone? For instance the CEOs of the company will not have time to go in the app & would like to either approve or reject request on the email (email will have the relevant information to make informed decision), which will move the card to the next phase.
Could AI Search in connected pipe?You are working with two connected pipes, X and Y, where pipe Y contains the information you need. For example, if you want to search for the course “Cosmetic Nanotechnology” and return the results in a specific field called “Similar Courses,” the AI should assess the similarity of possible cards in pipe Y and return the results in the following format:'[Course Name - Course Status - Course Coordinator - % Similarity]'Prompt to use:Search in the connected pipe '[Y] - Reservation Bank' and analyze the cards in this pipe to check for courses similar to the requested course: [Course Name]. Additionally, take into account the tags associated with the course: [Tags].Return the results in the following format: '[Course Name - Course Status - Coordinator - % Similarity]'.If there are multiple similar courses, list each one on a new line in the same format.Example: If the requested course is 'CSI' and there are matches in the reservation bank, the return shoul