[NOVO] Curso Pipefy AI
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Dear friends:Can anybody show me the way to clone a phase inside the same pipe?
Hello everyone,While working on a form, I noticed that it is not possible to select multiple fields to change their settings simultaneously, such as making bulk changes.Even if these fields are different in classification, it would be helpful if only the common settings appeared.Would this be the next feature to be added? Or is there already a way to do this?
Is it possible to make an http request (automation) with XML content?
Olá, Gostaria de saber como posso (se é possível) gerar campos no formulário a partir da quantidade especificada no campo anterior. Existia um pipe com esta função anos atrás, porém foi excluído e não encontro uma forma de replicar. O pipe é para criação de briefings que podem conter diversas peças. No fluxo antigo, existia um campo de números em que, ao incluír o número, alguns campos apareciam repetidos de acordo com a quantidade preenchida, ex: informei no campo de números que preciso de 5 peças, logo abaixo apareciam 5 campos, um para cada peça. E isso variava sempre de acordo com a quantidade de peças informadas. Acredito que os campos condicionais não são viáveis neste caso, pois eu precisaria criar um campo para cada quantidade possível, e existem casos de briefings com mais de 100 peças. Existe alguma forma de gerar os campos de forma automatizada a partir de um número especificado no campo anterior?Abaixo exemplifico como era no fluxo antigo que mencionei. Ao preencher o camp
Hey there! I am looking to build an automation to enable a public URL for a card when it enters a phase so I can auto-send this to a manager over slack. The expected URL is the same one that comes in when the built-in email template runs and sends the link to a manager who’s been added for approval.For additional context, I currently am using Okta Workflows to run automations when it receives an HTTP response from Pipefy with the card details, which I am then able to run GraphQL queries/mutations as needed. At the moment, we have it set where when a new ticket is created by an end user where it requires their manager approval, it will move the card into the Pending Approval phase, which is where I want to then grab that URL and share to a manager over slack. I tried digging into the docs but haven’t been successful. If anyone’s done something similar, I’d be curious to how you may have resolved/handled this. Thanks,Eddie
Hello everyone,I use Pipefy and I have a question about how to solve a situation in my workflow.I have an initial form with several text fields. When I fill out this form, a card is created in the initial phase called "Backlog," which automatically sends an email to certain people. What I need is for this email to include a PDF with all the information filled out in the initial form.If I insert the dynamic fields directly into the email body, the information appears in the message, but the email becomes very long because of the amount of data. Therefore, I thought of including a PDF in the email. The email message would only have a phrase like "for more details, please see the attached PDF" or "for more information, please check the PDF at this link.”Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, could you explain how to do it?Thank you!
It's possible to upload a file and create and/or delete attachments in pipes using GraphQL API?
Hello, community! We have our podiums for the most engaged members in July. This month, we awarded only gold and silver medals. Brazil: 🥇 @marcosmelo 🥈 @Ezequiel Souza Global:🥇 @TMZ 🥈 @genietim Want to join this special group of superusers? Then engage with the community—your participation earns points and helps all Pipefy users achieve more. The winners will receive gift cards via DM soon.Keep participating and aiming for the top!
Please can you add screen shots to your answers. Thanks
Prezados, bom dia!Eu tenho um Pipe conectado a um database, mas ao entrar no Database, para olhar o campo de distribuidora, notei que está vindo o número, e não a sigla (Imagem 2). Eu tenho um database da Distribuidora / Transmissora que tem a Sigla (Imagem 1). Eu consigo passar a Sigla para o DataBase?
Hi,I am trying to understand how to provide parameters to the allCards query. It seems there is no place where simple example queries are shown, so its becoming difficult to understand how to construct API queries.Right now I am experimenting with basic queries and trying them with GraphiQL. With the below query I try to filter cards and retrieve all cards where a certain field has a value equal to a certain value, Eduardo in this example. The below query returns errors, it seems it is expecting a string. The error does not resolve if I enclose the field name and/or value between “”. The query below does retrieve values if the 4th line is completely removed (i.e. the line with the filter).How are this filters constructed? What is the basic grammar? What am I missing? Thanks! errors": [{ "message": "Argument 'field' on InputObject 'AdvancedSearch' has an invalid value (field_24_string). Expected type 'String'.",The allCards query { # searching cards based on limited parameters: y
Hello, I would like some help finding a solution to a problem. In a purchasing process, the requester opens a ticket with the products they need to be subsequently requested for purchase. I would like to find a way to unify the items from my tickets into a single card to proceed to the purchase phase later.For example: João requested 3 pens and 5 notebooks. Maria requested 6 notebooks, 3 pens, and 2 pencils. From these requests, 2 cards were generated in my pipe.To proceed with the purchasing process, I need a single card containing the total of the open tickets, that is, with 6 pens, 11 notebooks, and 2 pencils.How do I do this in Pipefy?
Preciso inserir dados de campos dinâmicos do Pipefy Estava ocorrendo um erro na fórmula e identifiquei que a causa era o uso de aspas duplas. Removê-las resolveu o problema, e essa dica acredito que pode ser útil para outras pessoas.
Oi pessoal, tudo bem? Gostaria de ajuda para entender se há uma forma de criar cards em um fluxo com base em um valor dinâmico, permitindo definir a quantidade de cards que desejo criar. Atualmente, consigo usar a automação com um gatilho, mas isso cria apenas um card por vez. Por exemplo, em um cinema que gerencia convidados VIP, cada card representa uma sessão com informações como data, hora, local e quantidade de ingressos. Para otimizar o tempo, gostaríamos de uma automação onde possamos especificar quantos cards queremos criar ou duplicar de uma vez, e depois ajustar apenas os dados necessários.
Olá, possuo o formulário público https://app.pipefy.com/public/form/tJyrkSHY e gostaria de parametrizar algumas respostas pré setadas a url, li diversos tópicos informando forma de fazer isso, por exemplo, gostaria de pré preencher o campo e-mail, então a url seria: https://app.pipefy.com/public/form/tJyrkSHY?E-mail=teste@teste porém esses parâmetros não funcionam, o objetivo final é criar diversas url personalizadas e associa-las a qrcodes, principalmente para que campos como local onde a pessoa está scanneando o qr code sejam pré preenchidos, comecei com o exemplo do e-mail por ser mais simples, mas não estou tendo sucesso em faze-lo funcionar.
Olá pipefy, quem será o novo gerente da comunidade?
Hello pipefy, who will be the new community manager?
Hi guys, how do you add 2 buttons ‘Approve’ & ‘Reject’ to the email Template. Please can you also add a screenshot of the coding with your illustration. Thanks
Hello all, I would love to know if there is a way to give a unique link to a form that pre-fills some fields?Use case - we have a list of customers that submit invoices for checking and approval for payment. I would like to give each customer a link that, gives them access to a new start form that already populates the name of the company and our internal ID for them, so they cannot edit it? Is this possible?
Hi guys, I’m failing to change the date format from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYYResult in email:
Some people in our organization don’t receive any notification when they are mentioned in a comment.In some pipes we use the comment section to sinalize to others when part of the job is done or something else is needed. It’s easier than doing in through other platforms. However, some of us are not getting notified. Not when we click on the notification bell inside Pipefy nor per e-mail.We already checked their notification settings and disabled it and then enabled it again but nothing. I already reported it to our representative with pipefy more than a month ago and still haven’t gotten any feedback.