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How to handle "Quantity" of items when using Database Connections?

  • November 7, 2024
  • 1 reply

Filipe Wesley

Hi guys!


I’m trying to create a pipe for Purchase Order management. Our sales team would create a request and the administration team would prepare the Purchase Order for the suppliers.

We have a database for the equipment for each supplier, but I’m having quite some trouble when I need to purchase more than 1 of the same item.



Item 1 - Supplier X - 1 unit

Item 2 - Supplier X - 3 units


Edit: Just to clarify, some of our POs can have 50+ items and many of them with more than 1 unit


How could I handle quantity for a database connection item?

Pipefy will let me pick from the equipment database, but not choose how many. Is there any common work around?

1 reply

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • November 8, 2024

One way you could solve that is by having an intermediate database or pipe.

For example, it could look like this:

  • Pipe: “purchase order management”
    • Field “Items” connected to a database “Ordered Item”
    • This “Ordered Item” database would have the fields:
      • quantity
      • Field “Item” connected to the Item database you want to handle quantity for
      • (extra fields, potentially, e.g. special offers, anything that changes not by article but by purchase)

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