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Moving Children Card

  • 9 October 2020
  • 4 replies


Can I create an automation that moves CHILDREN CARD when PARENT CARD is moved? The CHILDREN CARD its a existing card.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15


I found an alternative solution using Integromat. I combined the functions of tracking moved cards and move card to a phase. 

Userlevel 4

Hi @Lucas Democh can you share the layout or steps of your solution on Integromat? If there is not any confidential information.

We are using pipes in three layers, our sales team is working on the first layer, engineering on the second layer (child), and procurement on the third layer (grand child :sweat_smile: ). Using automation I can move all above the third layer, but want it to move child cards when the first layer card is moved as well. 



I found an alternative solution using Integromat. I combined the functions of tracking moved cards and move card to a phase. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +15


Sorry for the delay in replying.


When the parent card is moved in Pipe 1 (Module [3] Integromat), module [5] will list all cards in Pipe 2 (Pipe which will contain the child cards). The filter between module [5] and [4] will allow only child cards to pass and be moved in module [4].

For the filter to work, you need to have a Parent Card ID field on each of the Child Cards. This Parent card ID field must match the ID of the card moved in module [3].

Userlevel 4

Nice! Thanks a lot @Lucas Democh We have evolved our use of integromat and will test this!
