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Hi, I want to update the field Done from false to true of a card using graphQL, how can I do that ? I need to move some cards to next phases:

I´m tryng this mutation:

mutation {


    input: {

      card_id: cardID

      destination_phase_id: newPhaseID


  ) {

    card {









And I’m getting the bellow error

"message": "Card could not be moved to phase id: 1234567"

How can I figure out what fields are required to allow this Phase updating of the card ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi @alexandrevc, did you solve it? Can we still help you?

Alexandre, in this initial phase when the card is going out, do you have mandatory fields that are not filled in?

Good morning Alexandre, how are you?

A momenot, I'll check it out for you