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Hey guys, I am starting with GraphiQL and trying to create a query for inviteMembers for an organization, however, I am not being able to identify what is wrong here. Could you please clarify?

I used this topic here, but didn’t work: 


mutation {
inviteMembers(input: {
{email:"" role_name:"member"},
{email:"", role_name:"member"},
{email:"", role_name:"member"}
organization_id: 12345
message: "please join my organization - Postman"}) {
errors {index, message}


Hi @natan-bueno!

You are trying to add members to an org so the values possible are: normal, admin, super_admin
is equivalent to member when adding in an org, while in the pipe would be members.



Oi Juliana, boa tarde!


Estava com dificuldades para fazer uma chamada via API para convidar emails para o Pipefy!


A documentação dessa parte está errada em todos os lugares, gostaria de pedir para que seja validado as documentações novamente:




inviteMembers > On organizations


mutation {

inviteMembers(input: {organization_id: 13,emails: { email: "", role_name: "admin"}){







User Mutations > Organization-level Mutations > Invite Members


mutation {

inviteMembers(input: {

organization_id: 1234,

emails: p{email: "", role_name: "member"}]}) {







Member information > role_name: String > The user role name Valid roles


1. Organization:

- admin: Team admin, can view/join all pipes and access/manage the team settings;

- normal: Team member, can view and join all public pipes;

- gest: Team guest, is free and can only create cards.


No nivel de Org não existe a role "member" e sim a "normal" em varias documentações está como "member".


Não existe a role chamada "gest", tentei "guest" e tambem não funcionou! Qual a correta?


Essa parte da documentação está bem ruim, levei horas para conseguir fazer a chamada correta.

Doing a troubleshooting the problem is in the role_name: "member", the role_name: "admin" worked, what would be the correct value for "member"?



    "data": {

        "inviteMembers": {

            "clientMutationId": null,

            "errors": <


                    "index": null,

                    "message": "�\"\"]"





    "errors": �


            "message": "Something went wrong",

            "locations": /


                    "line": 17,

                    "column": 25



            "path": �






            "code": 30000,

            "type": "ExecutionError"




