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Hey guys, I am starting with GraphiQL and trying to create a query for inviteMembers for an organization, however, I am not being able to identify what is wrong here. Could you please clarify?

I used this topic here, but didn’t work: 


mutation {
inviteMembers(input: {
{email:"" role_name:"member"},
{email:"", role_name:"member"},
{email:"", role_name:"member"}
organization_id: 12345
message: "please join my organization - Postman"}) {
errors {index, message}




    "data": {

        "inviteMembers": {

            "clientMutationId": null,

            "errors": <


                    "index": null,

                    "message": "�\"\"]"





    "errors": �


            "message": "Something went wrong",

            "locations": /


                    "line": 17,

                    "column": 25



            "path": �






            "code": 30000,

            "type": "ExecutionError"





Doing a troubleshooting the problem is in the role_name: "member", the role_name: "admin" worked, what would be the correct value for "member"?

Oi Juliana, boa tarde!


Estava com dificuldades para fazer uma chamada via API para convidar emails para o Pipefy!


A documentação dessa parte está errada em todos os lugares, gostaria de pedir para que seja validado as documentações novamente:




inviteMembers > On organizations


mutation {

inviteMembers(input: {organization_id: 13,emails: { email: "", role_name: "admin"}){







User Mutations > Organization-level Mutations > Invite Members


mutation {

inviteMembers(input: {

organization_id: 1234,

emails: p{email: "", role_name: "member"}]}) {







Member information > role_name: String > The user role name Valid roles


1. Organization:

- admin: Team admin, can view/join all pipes and access/manage the team settings;

- normal: Team member, can view and join all public pipes;

- gest: Team guest, is free and can only create cards.


No nivel de Org não existe a role "member" e sim a "normal" em varias documentações está como "member".


Não existe a role chamada "gest", tentei "guest" e tambem não funcionou! Qual a correta?


Essa parte da documentação está bem ruim, levei horas para conseguir fazer a chamada correta.

Hi @natan-bueno!

You are trying to add members to an org so the values possible are: normal, admin, super_admin
is equivalent to member when adding in an org, while in the pipe would be members.


