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I can send file thru S3 using the signed option, and also download back the same file. But, what tha purpose of this method, because I can't connect a file to database and card neither.


What the objective to have a s3 object associated with my organization? Just to create markdown links to images or documents?


I need to use the API to send to card file attachments. That option would work flawlessly.

Ok thanks.

It's frustrating having access to API, to S3 to update the field, but it didn't work with you current plan. :expressionless:

I'll use another tool for that.


Hey Michel, 


The purpose of the CreatePresignedUrlInput is to create the S3 presigned URL and than send the file to attach to a card. 


This mutation is available on Enterprise features plan.


Feel free to contact us to know more about it. 
