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I'm trying to get all records from a table, but using table_records isn't giving me all of them.

Running the following code in Python I get 50 records, but my table has 94. Any ideas of how I can get all of them?

import requests
import json

payload = {"query": "{ table_records(table_id:\"TABLE_ID\") {edges {node {id }}}}"}

headers = {
"authorization": f"Bearer {pipefy_token}",
"content-type": "application/json"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

json_data = json.loads(response.text)



I managed to solve using pagination. Basically, each query returns a maximum of 50 objects, so it is necessary to make several queries to get all the records. I managed to do this with the answers to this question.


If someone ever needs to query all the records from a table and store them in a DataFrame in Python, here is my code:

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd

table_id = TABLE_ID
pipefy_token = TOKEN
table_field = TABLE_FIELDS

url = ""

headers = {
"authorization": f"Bearer {pipefy_token}",
"content-type": "application/json"

records_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=table_fields)

has_next_page = True
first_query = True


if first_query:
payload = {"query": "{ table_records(table_id:\""+table_id+"\") {edges {node {id title record_fields {name value}}} pageInfo {endCursor hasNextPage}}}"}
first_query = False
payload = {"query": "{ table_records(table_id:\""+table_id+"\",after:\""+end_cursor+"\") {edges {node {id title record_fields {name value}}} pageInfo {endCursor hasNextPage}}}"}

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

json_data = json.loads(response.text)
end_cursor = json_datat"data"]""table_records"]""pageInfo"]""endCursor"]
has_next_page = json_datat"data"]""table_records"]""pageInfo"]""hasNextPage"]
total_records_pg = len(json_datat"data"]""table_records"]""edges"])

for i in range(total_records_pg):
card_title = json_datat"data"]""table_records"]""edges"]"i]i"node"]""title"]
card_data_d = json_datat"data"]""table_records"]""edges"]"i]i"node"]""record_fields"]
card_data = {x{'name']:x:'value'] for x in card_data_d}
records_df = records_df.append(card_data, ignore_index=True)


what information do I fill in the "TABLE-FIELDS" field?


