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Allow more cross-field-type automations/autocomplete

The autocomplete I talk about refers to the autocomplete of “sub-cards”, i.e. connected cards. I believe the actual combinations that are possible are identical to those in automations (“set field value”).

There are some cross-field-type autocompletes that are already possible (e.g. email or date to text, datetime to due date), but also various that I would think should be possible but aren’t. The latter, I would request in this idea here:

  • assignee to E-Mail field
  • date to due date (let me specify the time, or just take 12:00)
  • multi select to long text

I am sure there are other combinations that are not possible yet (write them below), but these three I encountered recently with good reasons to use them.

Hi  @genietim . Thank you so much for your suggestion!

At the moment,  we don't have plans on working on more combinations for these autocompletes. However, I have logged your feedback internally to analyze it carefully. :hugging:

Thank you,

Hi @Veronica Marin , thank you for your response. That’s somewhat sad to here (especially the splitting of assignees into text & email would be helpful), but i am grateful for your honesty!

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