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Field Updates on Public Start Forms should trigger the API


At the moment, field updates on a Public Start Form do not trigger the API “Field Updated” Webhook.

This is a very unfortunate limitation.

Here are some examples of why this capability would be invaluable;

  • customer fills out their postal code on the Start Form. This triggers a postcode lookup returning a list of corresponding addresses allowing the customer to select their address
  • a returning customer enters their email address on the Start Form. This triggers a person lookup (eg on company CRM) which prefills the Start Form with the customer details

Can we get this feature implemented pelase.

2 replies

Priscila Rodrigues
Pipefy Staff

Hi, @mark-theotcentre
Thank you for sharing your need with us. I'm submitting it to the product team, and as soon as we have updates, we will let you know.

Priscila Rodrigues
Pipefy Staff

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