Edit Question Type

A suggestion that would be nice, would be if we could edit the type of question, even if we've already created it. Today, it`s not possible. If we want change the question format, we need to create a new one. 

This would be a great improvement! :grin: Especially when we are setting up a long form.

@rebeca.venancio @Eduardo Kano 


It’s a great suggestion indeed. Thanks! 

@rebeca.venancio what do you mean by question type? Are you talking about the ability to change a field type after it has been already created? 

@rebeca.venancio what do you mean by question type? Are you talking about the ability to change a field type after it has been already created? 

@Raphael Costa if I correctly understand @rebeca.venancio’s suggestion. She is talking about “Field settings” / “Type” which cannot be changed after SAVE.


@rebeca.venancio @Eduardo Kano @Jefferson Dourado 

Thx for all the feedback. I don't want to discourage you all, but we have already discussed this internally, and this is something that we don't plan to change. 


Why? :thinking:
Different fields have different data formats (e.g., number, email, date, etc.). If we allow users to change an existing type to a different field type there would be a conflict between the data formats. Therefore, customers would lose historical data of that field. Because of that, we chose not to allow users to change field type once they are created.  


My suggestion is whenever you need a new field, create it and use conditional rules to hide the old field. 


I hope you understand that we decided this to improve our overall customer experience :yum: