Hi, everybody.
Searching for information in community, I checked that the warning for lating cards can’t be removed after I applie a new rule. This fact is a problem for my business because it will give the impresson that processes are delayed when, in fact, is not.
Can you imagine if I need to chance a SLA when are 100 ou 1000 cards already registered? It not works.
So, I came here to suggest that: when we chance the SLA en card phase or in pipe, a pop-up window show questioning if we like to applie in existing cards or not.
Can you, Pipefy, made it for us?
Good suggestion
Great idea! I hope that can be implemented soon
Great idea! I hope that can be implemented soon
Ezequiel, vote ali no canto direito superior do tópico para que a ideia fique mais vísivel para a galera que filtra os tópicos e possa ter chance maior de ir para desenvolvimento, de fato. Tks!