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We are thrilled to announce some exciting news in our Admin Panel!

Simply head to the home menu to access the usage stats area. Once there, you can:

⭐️ Export the Automation jobs report to your e-mail;
⭐️ Filters: Current month, Last month, and LAST THREE MONTHS;
⭐️ See the Automation jobs distributed per Pipe;
⭐️ Progress bar showing the comparison of Automation jobs contract x Automation used;



👉🏼 Provide feedback on what you'd like to see in the Admin panel in the future😉

It’s so great!

Very good!

Very good! I always have doubts about where the automations are being consumed.

Very nice! Could we also get this for the API requests, then?

Not yet @genietim!

The “yet” makes me hopeful ;)