I started studying python a few days ago and I’m trying to update a card with it.
I’m trying the following code:
variables = {
"cardId": xxxxx,
"fieldId": "descri_o",
"newValue": "teste"
update_card_mutation = """
mutation UpdateCard ($cardId: ID!, $fieldId: ID!, $newValue: String!){
updateCardField(input: {
card_id: $cardId,
field_id: $fieldId,
new_value: $newValue
}) {
But it returns an error:
{'errors': [{'message': 'Type mismatch on variable $newValue and argument new_value (String! / [UndefinedInput])', 'locations': [{'line': 6, 'column': 5}], 'path': ['mutation UpdateCard', 'updateCardField', 'input', 'new_value'], 'extensions': {'code': 'variableMismatch', 'variableName': 'newValue', 'typeName': 'String!', 'argumentName': 'new_value', 'errorMessage': 'Type mismatch'}}]}
I ask your help to find what I’m missing here.