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Dinamic Fields in PDF Template

Lais Laudari
Ezequiel Souza
Leandro Almeida
  • Lais Laudari
    Lais Laudari
  • Ezequiel Souza
    Ezequiel Souza
  • vicente-lemes
  • marcosmelo
  • Leandro Almeida
    Leandro Almeida
  • Kayla Turner


Actually, in PDF template it is not possible use information from connections fields (from database or others pipes). If we have this blanks, we need to create new fields in the pipe that are filled with the data from the record using an automation. With this integration, PDF template will be completed. 

20 replies

Pipefy Staff
  • Pipefy Staff
  • 38 replies
  • June 17, 2020

Thanks for the awesome suggestion, @rebeca.venancio . We’ve seen quite a few cases in which people had to use the workaround you mentioned to add data from connected records/cards to a PDF template so I’m sure this improvement would add a lot of value!

Diego Andrade
  • Participating Frequently
  • 6 replies
  • June 22, 2020



It would be nice if users could have the option to add dynamic content with Database information to add on their PDF Generator. It's crucial for Database heavy use cases. For processes where the process key information is hosted in the database, you can't pull this info to the PDF template and need to fill out it manually all the time to send out a report. This is not aligned with Pipefy product purpose. 


Thank you,

  • Pipefy Certified Partner
  • 136 replies
  • June 22, 2020

Hi @Diego Andrade - I hope you're doing fine. 

I totally agree with you that allowing users to use dynamic content from the database in the PDF generator it would be awesome. 


Here is a workaround we use at our company:


  1. You need to create a automation rule that fill out text fields in you process using the DB records information. This way, you can use this info in your PDF Generator.
  2. Here is a cool tip from @alexandre-mendes that can help you with that as well:

I hope that's useful :wink:


Nice one @ivan.novofoco !!


Hi @Diego Andrade, I did the same thing to add information from my Database in the PDF template. Also, this PDF is a production order now that follows the process flow as a card. 


With automation, you can create any type of report. 


If you need more info, please let me know! 






@belsalemme thanks for the reply :blush:

Raphael Costa
Pipefy Staff

@Diego Andrade Thank you for your feedback. Help me understand more about the process you manage in Pipefy and why this would add value to it! Happy to hear your thoughts! 

Raphael Costa
Pipefy Staff

@rebeca.venancio Thank you for your message. Help me understand what process do you manage in Pipefy and why would you need to add DB information on PDF templates. Also, what benefits would this generate to your operation? :) 

Raphael Costa wrote:

@rebeca.venancio Thank you for your message. Help me understand what process do you manage in Pipefy and why would you need to add DB information on PDF templates. Also, what benefits would this generate to your operation? :) 

@Raphael Costa In our process, we would use the PDF template to generate a proposal model from the information added to the Pipes. However, this type of information (about customer for example) are added to DB and the connection between pipes, that cannot be used in the PDF template, causing us to edit the document with each submission. In addittion, the unpossibilities of justify the texts and personalize the models with our visual identity,  made us continuing doing the proposals out of Pipefy, contributing to spend more time in an activite than necesary. 

Diego Andrade
  • Participating Frequently
  • 6 replies
  • June 30, 2020
rebeca.venancio wrote:

Actually, in PDF template it is not possible use information from connections fields (from database or others pipes). If we have this blanks, we need to create new fields in the pipe that are filled with the data from the record using an automation. With this integration, PDF template will be completed. 

Hi Rebeca! Tanks for the comment! 

Excelent idea! However, I’m must to study a lot.

So, with automation we can to fill fields in the cards from my database record? or I didn’t urdestand? 

Diego Andrade
  • Participating Frequently
  • 6 replies
  • June 30, 2020
ivan.novofoco wrote:

Hi @Diego Andrade - I hope you're doing fine. 

I totally agree with you that allowing users to use dynamic content from the database in the PDF generator it would be awesome. 


Here is a workaround we use at our company:


  1. You need to create a automation rule that fill out text fields in you process using the DB records information. This way, you can use this info in your PDF Generator.
  2. Here is a cool tip from @alexandre-mendes that can help you with that as well:

I hope that's useful :wink:

HI Ivan! 


I wiil analyze this link!

Diego Andrade
  • Participating Frequently
  • 6 replies
  • June 30, 2020
Raphael Costa wrote:

@Diego Andrade Thank you for your feedback. Help me understand more about the process you manage in Pipefy and why this would add value to it! Happy to hear your thoughts! 

Hi Raphael!

Imagine the database about clients that contrat my services, per example,  and I need all the time to fill fields that same data from my database. If I want to creat the simple document “services order” , I can’t. 

Raphael Costa
Pipefy Staff

@Diego Andrade @rebeca.venancio Thank you for the additional info, I see that adding valeu to your process. I'll share that w/ my team. 

Raphael Costa
Pipefy Staff

@rebeca.venancio I might have a temporary solution for that. You ca create a phase in your process, where using the automation you fill out fields with DB info, so you can later use that in the PDF you're creating. Let me know your thoughts. 

Raphael Costa wrote:

@rebeca.venancio I might have a temporary solution for that. You ca create a phase in your process, where using the automation you fill out fields with DB info, so you can later use that in the PDF you're creating. Let me know your thoughts. 

@Raphael Costa thank you for the temporaty solution. I will discuss internaly to put this settings in operation. 

Diego Andrade wrote:
rebeca.venancio wrote:

Actually, in PDF template it is not possible use information from connections fields (from database or others pipes). If we have this blanks, we need to create new fields in the pipe that are filled with the data from the record using an automation. With this integration, PDF template will be completed. 

Hi Rebeca! Tanks for the comment! 

Excelent idea! However, I’m must to study a lot.

So, with automation we can to fill fields in the cards from my database record? or I didn’t urdestand? 

@Diego Andrade 

Hi, Diego. Thanks for the answer. 

In our case, we don`t use the automation with autofill, because our field is exactly the form from DB. This is the reason we can`t use this information in the PDF template. But with the tip of @Ivan Camargo or @Raphael Costa we could adjust temporary this issue. :blush:


In this case, where we cannot use the database to fill PDF content and do not want to use automations to it, we should create a template email with the PDF layout and content using dynamic fields that comes from the card and database (template emails has more resources to create forms). Create a specific phase to automatically share the email or keep it manual to send based on demand . In this scenario, we can create different email templates type for proposal, customer on-boarding , etc. keeping all historical data inside the card as well.

  • Regular Participant
  • 2 replies
  • July 9, 2020

I’d like to sugest a dinamic filed on PDF Template that will have the finallity to add the pictures of preview fields of an card (attached). Therewith will be able to create short reports with pictures and texts of what have been done in a expecificly field taks.


Portuguese: Eu gostaria de sugerir uma opção de campo dinâmico nos Templates de PDF que teria a finalidade de adicionar fotos de campos anteriores de algum card. Com isso seria possível criar relatórios PDF rápidos com imagens e textos do que foi feito em tarefas específicas de campo.  



Raphael Costa
Pipefy Staff

@daniel_morige  Thx for the feedback. We merged your feedback with this existing thread. Besides saving more time eliminating manual work, could you please provide more information on the use case above?


In addition to dinamic fields in PDF template from connections fields (from DB or other pipes), I would like to add that is also important to abble use the information of checkbox field and all over tips of fields stablished in Pipefy; and not only with texts or number fields. 

  • Regular Participant
  • 1 reply
  • February 23, 2022

Hi @Raphael Costa ! Any news about the addition from database to fill content at the PDF template?

We have a process of hydraulic components inspection and the process consist of a database with the following fields: Name of the part (from another DB), Analysis of the condition (from another DB) and Picture of the part.

Our needed is to prepare a report with, for example, 6 parts inspected from this component in one PDF. When we have that possibilty, for sure will save time!



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