I'm trying to send a long string over the API. However, I cannot find out how to properly format/encode the string in order for Pipefy to simply add the text to the database record.
Here's how I'm building the query:
return `mutation {
createTableRecord(input: {
table_id: "**",
fields_attributes: [
{field_id: "what", field_value: "${data.firstName}"},
{field_id: "nom", field_value: "${data.lastName}"},
{field_id: "email", field_value: "${data.Email}"},
{field_id: "cellulaire", field_value: "${data.Phone}"},
{field_id: "site_web", field_value: "${data.formRef}"},
{field_id: "message_soumis", field_value: "${data.Message}"},Here, data.Message has a long text in which there are newlines. This breaks it all:400 - {"errors":[{"locations":[{"column":51,"line":10}],"message":"token recognition error at: '\"Monsieur,\n'"}
There are tens of such lines. How should I format/encode the text so it is added and properly formatted in the Pipefy DB record?