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Is there a way to restrict the visibility of certain cards to be only visible to certain users?


I could imagine a “People on this pipe can only view the cards they are assigned to” or similar.



  • A pipe where invoices to be paid are entered. Certain finance users should not see the invoices that go to salary, or similarly delicate invoices
  • A pipe where users enter e.g. problems with other co-workers, HR has to handle them. If a HR worker is the problem, it should not be visible to him

Hi Genietim


There is a way to do this.

  1. Create a table with all responsible and add a column Assignee with value Assignee (the users need permission on this table (read-only))
  2. Create a field (connect Database) where the responsible could be chosen 
  3. Create a field assignee blank to be used to clean up the assignee when you want remove the permission over the card.


  1. Create an automation (When the card entry on phase) to assign the assignee that you want using the value from the table to update the field assignee
  2. Create an automation (When the card entry on phase) to clean the assignee that you don’t want to change the card.

Good luck

Ezequiel Souza


Thanks for your answer, @Ezequiel Souza . I believe I do not see how it answers my question though: if I understand your answer correctly, every user (if assigned or not) still has read access to all cards, be it table or pipe. No?

Hi Genietim. 
Pipefy is a collaborative platform, All users members of a Pipe can see anything.  My solution is to permit who can change something or can not. 

If you need close the view of users, need to split in differents Pipes.


With regards.

Ezequiel Souza
