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Hello everyone,
I’m suffering a lot to be able to offer my form in different languages exe: EN/PT/SP. I already did it but with a lot of effort, basically duplicating the fields in the different languages and creating also different conditionals rules, but that makes it a lot harder to manage the pipe and keep it organized when a new update is necessary.

Is Pipefy working on something to make that easier? I just wanted a way for the system to give me an option to put the context of the fields in different languages without the needing of duplicating it and creating several conditionals for that. 

I hope they’re working on this too! Will help in my company too because we often have forms in both English and French and right now just had to duplicate them the same way you did.


I’ve seen forms created by Pipefy staff where one of the first questions asked which language you wanted. I’m curious how they configured those forms. Maybe they know some tricks we don’t.

@Sarah Lane : the trick they use with the “first questions asked which language you wanted” is just to use a conditional: hide all fields when language is not set. Show EN fields when language = EN. Show ES fields when language = ES. 


What I also saw them using is just naming their fields in two languages, i.e. like this:


But yes, I too would love this feature, though I believe it is not in the works, to answer @lucas-fernandes4, though I am not an insider, I of course do not know, but since they do not even have international currency fields, I would be surprised.


But please, create an idea, I will surely support it!

​The right those are the two ways to make it @genietim until now.

Well, it’s not a criticism but I used to do it in Visual Basic only putting inside of the script different labels when a language conditional was chosen. The development team can do it easily. Inside of the code probably when a field is created it receives a reference, so as I said they just need to create an option for us put different labels for a unique field.

Hello everyone! 

At the moment we don’t have anything planned on changing it, but it’s a great feedback and I’m sending it to the responsible team! :D

Thank you so much! 
