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Is there any way we can filter cards on connection fields?

We’re in a design process where we have multiple jobs to fill, and where candidates will go through selection pipes. However, we need one of the following options:

  1. One pipe per job to fill
  2. The possibility to filter candidates (cards) on the job they are evaluated for (connection field)

Is filtering on connection fields (2) at all possible?

If not, I’m thinking of using the clone pipe api call to programmatically create a candidate selection pipe for each new job to fill. Or maybe there would be a better way of approaching this?

Edit: found this discussion where it was stated 2 years ago that filtering on field values was on the road map 🙂 is it still?

Edit2: also found this roadmap item where group of filters is in progress for reports, but this seams mostly unrelated to filtering cards on field values. No other item on filtering cards unfortunately. 

Hey @gbdoin , I hope you’re doing fine! We don’t currently support filtering the cards/records displayed in a connection field and unfortunately, that has been de-prioritized since then :disappointed_relieved: . It would be great if you could submit this as product feedback here in the community so we can check whether that’s a pain for other Pipefy users as well.

Considering the information you provided, I believe cloning a “template pipe” for each new position would be the best way to go. You can also use our portals feature to list all the available positions in a single place, even creating “groups” of pipes per department, would that be enough for your current needs? Let me know if it isn’t so we can explore further options if needed!

Considering the information you provided, I believe cloning a “template pipe” for each new position would be the best way to go. You can also use our portals feature to list all the available positions in a single place, even creating “groups” of pipes per department, would that be enough for your current needs? Let me know if it isn’t so we can explore further options if needed!

Hi @belsalemme, thanks for your reply!

As I understand it, portals are for requests really, not much for ordering cards and processes once the requests are received. In our case, the trouble is not much for applicants to find the application form (we use the API currently to connect it to a Webflow native form), but rather for recruiters that will be handling those candidates and qualifying/rejecting their applications.


A bit of background on our use case

On top of candidates’ applications, we have to add all potential candidates that our team are hunting (people who did not apply by themselves but that our team approached to pique their interested in the job and qualify them), this makes for a lot of candidates (cards, further linked to a candidates DB) that need to be ordered by job to fill (which would need to be pipes) and by statuses (phases).

As an agency, this means a lot of jobs to fill, and a whole lot of candidates with statuses, to be further qualified/rejected on those jobs. Those recruitment processes, or applications (cards) going through selections statuses (phases) for specific jobs (pipes), will mean a lot of pipes that will be kept alive closed/unused (i.e. when a job is filled), and that will need to be accessible and linked to candidates DB (for historical data).

For each job that would be filled, we’ll have every pipe member leave the pipe, but we won’t delete/archive them. This way, when opening up a candidate in the Candidates DB, we’ll see all the jobs for which they were considered (represented by pipes).

Hopefully this makes sense. As this is our first ever experience with Pipefy, we know we’re not yet accustomed to the Pipefy way of arranging processes, so I invite anyone to chime in if they’ve got further ideas!

I’ll otherwise go ahead and create a product feedback for filtering cards. While we can address the current requirement well with creating on pipe per job to fill, there are a lot of use cases for that feature in our mind. This would actually also go hand in hand with another product feedback I’d like to make for search features - a universal search would add an incredible amount of value to the platform.


Anyways, thanks again for your help @belsalemme :) 

Thank you for all the details and availability to submit the product feedback, @gbdoin ! Sorry if I misunderstood your need at first but now I get it. :grinning:

All pipes and databases can be connected using connections/connection fields and you can use our API to create a new record when the card is moved to the final phase of a pipe or even do it manually with a connection set up to search and create records so you can search if the candidate is already in the database (and connect that position with the existing record to keep track) or create a new record for a new candidate.

@gbdoin I submitted this to get built as a feature, could you upvote it to help show how needed it is - 

