
Form image size

  • 6 February 2022
  • 43 replies

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43 replies

Userlevel 3

When I try to contact the support team it goes to automated messages with a bot that I can’t bypass. I am in Australia, and can’t contact your team during their business hours. Is there an email address?



Userlevel 7

Hi @kate-griffith!

Could you contact our support team, please? They will be able to investigate what is happening in this case.😉


Userlevel 3

Hi there!


Is this an issue again? I am getting the black box around my logo even when I have tried both specs mentioned above?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hey thanks so much it works perfectly now !

Thanks a lot :thumbsup:



hahaha love it

Userlevel 6

Hey thanks so much it works perfectly now !

Thanks a lot :thumbsup:



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hello everyone! 👋


We released a fix for this today, the images should not be broken anymore! 

Could you, please, test it and let me know if it is all good?



Have a great weekend! 




Userlevel 4

Hello everyone! 👋


We released a fix for this today, the images should not be broken anymore! 

Could you, please, test it and let me know if it is all good?



Have a great weekend! 



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

No problem !




thanks for understanding!!

Userlevel 6

No problem !


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @chrgilles, how are you doing?

The resolution will always resize to 240x180.
The maximum is 2MB supported, normally .png is the most recommended for quality.

I hope to help you!:blush:

Stay safe!

Same issue… image cannot keep the “proportions”
In fact it seems that homotethy calculation is wrong and push the image wrongly, i don’t understand why



Hey, @chrgilles 
We have just reproduced the same issue in our test environment and we just confirmed this case as a new bug in the function.:arrependido:
I notified our developer team about this, and they will find the best way to fix it as soon as possible! 
thanks for your patience

Userlevel 6

Hi @chrgilles, how are you doing?

The resolution will always resize to 240x180.
The maximum is 2MB supported, normally .png is the most recommended for quality.

I hope to help you!:blush:

Stay safe!

Same issue… image cannot keep the “proportions”
In fact it seems that homotethy calculation is wrong and push the image wrongly, i don’t understand why


Userlevel 6

Hi @chrgilles, how are you doing?

The resolution will always resize to 240x180.
The maximum is 2MB supported, normally .png is the most recommended for quality.

I hope to help you!:blush:

Stay safe!

Okay Thanks i will try tomorrow 👍

Userlevel 7

Hi @chrgilles, how are you doing?

The resolution will always resize to 240x180.
The maximum is 2MB supported, normally .png is the most recommended for quality.

I hope to help you!:blush:

Stay safe!

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi chrgilles

In this case I suggest open a chat to support and ask professional guidance.

With regards.

Ezequiel Souza

Userlevel 6

… same issue i’ve tried with many, many sizes without succes (round logo is crushed and never round...)
I think that problem become from Pipefy resizer : if my image is exacty 288 x 218 (+ blank space) i must resize it in any cases.
That thing makes me crazy and i don’t know why... :angry:

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi chrgilles

Blank is white not transparent or empty.

With regards



Userlevel 6

Thanks Ezequiel what did you mean with “blank” , is white or empty ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi chrgilles

The image need to rounded with blank area for complete the space area without black border.

The total size of image must be 288 x 218


I wish good luck!

Ezequiel Souza
