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Get cards (more than one) by CARDs IDs at once?

  • 6 April 2023
  • 5 replies

Hi all!

I wish to get more than one card by id at once.
Something like to passa meny CARD IDs and get all informations about this cards…

Thank you!


Hi @Saulo Oliveira!
Can you give more details about how are you trying to get the cards?
Is it on the Kaban view or are you trying to do that throught GraphQl?



To extract all IDS via query, you can adapt the code below, inserting the fields you want to see:

{ allCards (first: 1, pipeId: XXXXXXXX)
{ edges { node { pipe {






Via integrators is also possible.

Example below in Make:

In this scenario, I put two possibilities:

1) List Cards: Raises all cards in a Pipe. Depending on the volume of cards, it may be unfeasible.
2) Get a Phase: Raises all cards in a given phase.


Best regards.



Hi @Lais Laudari thank you answer.

I need to get more than onde cad information and attributes though graphql but specifying cads by ID.
Ex. Get only cards ID 11111111111, 22222222222, 33333333

Hi @democh it´s possible to specifying cads ID. I wish to get only 4 or 5 cards by ID

@Saulo Oliveira yes.

In integrators, it is possible to filter by ID.

Via GraphQL, you can apply filters, but it is still not possible to filter by ID.

Here are some filter possibilities via GraphQL:

