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How to set default company

  • 27 September 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi folks,


When I first started using Pipefy I participated in the Pipefy Certification Program. This made me a part of that “company” in Pipefy. Sometimes when I sign in, I’m taken to that company rather than my own. Is there a way to set my own company as the default so I don’t have to switch companies so often?





2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Sarah Lane, how are you?

At the moment there is no way to set a company as default. The default company is always the oldest one. We will definitely take this feedback into account but, at the moment, I'd recommend leaving the Certification Program company if you are no longer using it.

To leave an organization you need to go to "members" and remove yourself on the 'X' that appears at the right side of the screen.

I hope it helps :relaxed:


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Thanks @Nicole Chiroli ! That does help.


Have a great day!
