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HTML markup for hyperlink in public form

  • 15 September 2021
  • 12 replies

Hey folks,


I’m trying to include a hyperlink in my start form, but can’t get the HTML to work right.


I used the following HTML format for the text: <a href="">Visit!</a>


It looks great on the build page: 

A hyperlink with clean text​​​​

But on the public form it shows the HTML markup:

A non-hyperlink showing all the HTML text


Is there a way to get the markup to stay hidden on the public form?


I don’t use HTML markup a lot, so maybe this isn’t even the right format for me to use. 

12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi Sarah

For this you must use Fixed filed for this:

In the description you will write down you url between ( )


In your case:

Text about description 



I hope that I helped you.


Ezequiel Souza

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Ezequiel Souza,


Thank you for your reply.


Either I did it wrong, or that’s not what I want. 


When I followed your instructions with a statement field, it just ended up looking like this: 

And the URL wasn’t clickable.


I’d like to be able to include a hyperlink with plain text rather than having people see the URL.


Is there a way to have the URL hidden behind a clickable link with regular words?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi Sarah

Look at my public form:

I used as you mentioned and my link is clickable (blue)


Or I understood wrong?


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hmm. You definitely found the answer I’m looking for @Ezequiel Souza . I just don’t know how to recreate it. :frowning2:

Userlevel 7
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What am I missing?



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi Sarah

You need to add a new Fixed Field into form (the 3rd option)


In the configuration in the Title you must write: Visit!


In the description you must write:




And voilá!


I hope helped you

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Thank you @Ezequiel Souza . I think I’m using the correct field. The 3rd option for me is a “Statement field”. I assume that’s the English version of the Texto fixo. But it’s not working the same way as yours is.



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi Sarah

Is the correct object (Statement)

Could you share the configuration from Statement, please?


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

This is what it looks like on my end:


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

This preview is not so preview as expected.

Close this and look at the Public Form

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I believe the issue of @Sarah Lane is that you have a space between the closing “]” and the opening “(“.

The link should be

[Visit W3Schools](

and not

[Visit W3Schools] (

What you are using here is called Markdown, by the way.

See also the following screenshot:

Wrong (not rendered) and correct (rendered) Markdown link


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Ah! Thank you @genietim . I did have an extra space in there.

And now it works! Thank you both so much @Ezequiel Souza and @genietim!

Have a great day. 
