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I am getting Error Json payload request error.

 this is my request Json payload

'{"query":"{\n  getReport(report_number: \"'6425815757'\") {\n      report_date\n          report_number\n            report_type\n        results {        \n        ... on LabGrownDiamondGradingReportResults {\n               identification\n            shape_and_cutting_style\n            measurements\n            carat_weight\n                color_grade\n              color_origin\n            color_distribution\n            color_distribution_code\n          clarity_characteristics\n              clarity_grade\n            cut_grade\n             polish\n               symmetry\n              fluorescence\n            key_to_symbols {\n      order            \n          characteristic            \n            image        \n            location\n        }\n         inscriptions\n             proportions{\n              depth_pct\n                 table_pct\n                  crown_angle\n              crown_height\n              pavilion_angle\n               pavilion_depth\n          star_length\n      lower_half\n      girdle\n          girdle_condition\n          girdle_pct\n            girdle_size\n          culet\n         }\n          report_comments\n            duplicate_comments\n      \n                   \n      }      \n  }\n}"}'


  Kind help me.

Your question seems to be related to GraphQL, but not to Pipefy - you have asked this question in the Pipefy forum, though. Would you mind moving this question to somewhere more applicable, e.g. the GIA support or StackOverflow?

Hi  @Braintree , how are you?

Is not possible to get reports through API!😌
But that is an awesome idea!
We really appreciate this and I forwarded your suggestion to the product development team so they can analyze the possibility of future development of this feature.

In the meantime, if you have a new idea os suggestion, you can let us know by filling out this form here.

Thank you for your feedback!
