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Hi all !


I’m using Zapier connector to create cards in a pipe.
But when doing this, fields are filled by the connector and not throught the database start form, so no data are send in the database :/
So i’m asking me how it was possible to avoid that and create database entries using data added by the connector.
Thanks a lot

Hi there, hope you’re well!

Is there any way for you to put up a screenshot of configuration? If you have sensitive data on there, I suggest you create a connection with dummy data so that your information is not public

@chrgilles Hello, could you please put an example here?

Hi all,

In fact solution is to  (re) create a new start form wich is too difficult because i have many steps after initial form (triggers, phases...)
So for the moment, data are just “stored” in cards and i think that it is enough => i don’t have to re-use its after…

Thanks a lot
