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Hi all,

I have a group of workers and a stream of tasks arriving by email.  Assume workers are happy responding to emails and that they can only work on one task at a time.  I want the workflow to give each worker the Subject of the email and the ability to take the task, ignore it or reject it. But I also want to prevent more than one worker working on a task at the same time. 

Are there any examples around that implement anything similar in pipefy?


While there are simple solutions using the GraphQL API, this too should be possible in “raw” Pipefy only.

I imagine the following components:

  • Use the “users can only edit cards they are assigned to” authentication requirement in the Task pipe to solve the “prevent more than one worker working on a task at the same time”
  • Use an assignee field to select the one worker that is to be working on this task
  • For the workers to assign themselves, use a connected field to a connected pipe (“Worker-Distribution”, e.g.)
  • In the Task-Pipe, create a Worker-Distribution connected card with the E-Mails of the possible workers and an assignee field
  • When this conneccted card is created, send the E-Mail to the workers
  • The worker who responds first, assignes itself to the Distribution Card using said assignee field
  • Use a conditional to hide this assignee field in the Distribution Card to prevent other workers from assigning themselves
  • Fill the assignee field of the parent, Task Card based on the assignee of the Distribution Card, using an automation.


I can imagine other ways, e.g. using public forms with only the assignee field etc.

Good luck!

Hello @skip

I our company we have pipeline, where each one is a phase, than when we get a new task someone have to claim it in 24h, it works very well for small groups.

Will the new feature below resolve this issue?


Will the new feature below resolve this issue?


I believe Round Robin will be the best option! So all users will have a different card, and it will not allow 2 users to work on the same task!

Will the new feature below resolve this issue?


I believe Round Robin will be the best option! So all users will have a different card, and it will not allow 2 users to work on the same task!



