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Hey there! I am looking to build an automation to enable a public URL for a card when it enters a phase so I can auto-send this to a manager over slack. The expected URL is the same one that comes in when the built-in email template runs and sends the link to a manager who’s been added for approval.

For additional context, I currently am using Okta Workflows to run automations when it receives an HTTP response from Pipefy with the card details, which I am then able to run GraphQL queries/mutations as needed.


At the moment, we have it set where when a new ticket is created by an end user where it requires their manager approval, it will move the card into the Pending Approval phase, which is where I want to then grab that URL and share to a manager over slack. I tried digging into the docs but haven’t been successful. If anyone’s done something similar, I’d be curious to how you may have resolved/handled this.




@epz0rz  What's up?

You can follow the example in this article, which shows how to make an HTTP request to Slack, and adapt it to your standard. The main difference for you will be to include the link to the current phase in the message to the manager, to make it easier to approve.

Check out the article here: Examples of HTTP requests with automations in Pipefy.

Hey all, I got a response back from someone on the Pipefy eng team that managed to provide me a mutation query that did this for me! 


Sharing in case this is helpful to someone else:


mutation {
configurePublicPhaseFormLink(input:{cardId: "yourcardID", enable: true}) {


To generate or retrieve the public URL ECW Belts for a private card, you'll need to access the card management or sharing settings within the platform you're using. Most platforms that manage private cards, such as Trello or certain project management tools, have an option to create a public link. Navigate to the card or project you're interested in, then look for options like "Share," "Public Link," or "Generate URL" in the card's menu or settings.
