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Run A Formula - Sum

Hi Guys, how do I do additions of multiple currency fields, tried formula below & its not working


Hi, @TMZ 

I did a test here on my panel and it worked. 
In the formula, try adding the fields by the + symbol to look for dynamic currency fields.

In your account total, the destination field must be currency



Hi @marcosmelo,  thank you for your feedback, & i hope you had a great weekend.  I've added using +symbol.  The Total Field is currency & nothing is happening .


Hi, @TMZ , tks

do a test using another trigger, for example, when a card enters a specific phase and do a test by moving the card to see if it works. If it works, check if the previous trigger you were using was configured correctly, remove the browser caches and if it still doesn't work, I suggest you contact the support team. great week to you!!

Hi @marcosmelo, thanks again for your feedback.  I’ve adjusted the automation to ‘A card enters a phase’, however unlike when I tried earlier it’s not giving me the option of selecting dynamic fields that I have added. Added Dynamic Field called ‘Total Test’, the field Test is ‘Short text’. When i go to add the fields into the Dynamic Field ‘Total Test’, I cant find it in the drop down


Hi, @TMZ 

Try refreshing the page after creating new fields. If the field was created in the phase settings, make sure it appears in the phase section when creating the automation.
Here I created the short text field and did the tests according to your scenario and it worked.




Hi @marcosmelo thanks again for the feedback.  However still not getting the desired results.  For some reason the system won't give me the option to make the ‘Dynamic Field’ equal total, in your illustration ‘Test Total’ is a dynamic field.  It only gives me the option of the ‘Short text’ field.  I’ve restarted my laptop & refreshed it.  Please can I make you a Pipe administrator so you can take a look.  thanks




Hi @marcosmelo I have also tried to add more ‘Dynamic Fields ’and they are not an option in the dropdown for the automation process. These are all the Dynamic Fields

I can't find any of these Dynamic Fields when creating the automations


Hi, @TMZ 


In this case, since the fields do not appear for you to select them, I suggest you contact the support team and they can check your Pipe.

If you use the + symbol, then you shouldn't use the word “SUM” Test without the word, just the fields and the + sign.

Let me know if you're still having problems. ;)

Hi @marcosmelo No problem, will try contact them & get back to you. thanks

It’s important to remember that if one of the fields included in the formula is empty, the formula will fail. You can see if there was an error in the automation using the automation logs button.

Hi @amanda-dianni, I think that could be the reason (if I’m also able to add total to a ‘Short Text’ field.  To keep the form as short and clean as possible i have added conditions so if there is a multiple flights it will display them accordingly (e.g. 5 flights  shows 5 fields with flight price - therefore it should give the sum of 5 flights, 1 flight  shows 1 field & therefore it should give the Sum of one flight) so now with what you have stated how will I be able to make it work without having unnecessary fields in the form (1 flight showing 5 fields, with only one field having a price and the others not having a price).

Also why is it not displaying the dynamic fields I have added in the automation? 

Hi @amanda-dianni it worked, filled in all the fields & the Sum was in the Text & Dynamic fields.

So just 2 questions:

  1. How do I add conditions & keep it clean & easy like I mentioned above. Please check the conditions below.  Will the Sum function work with the Conditions?
  2. Why are my new Dynamic fields not showing in the Automation

thanks guys


About the dynamic fields, they are not available to be update by automations. You have to update another type of field, and using this field inside your dynamic field content.

For the formula, you could set one (or maybe multiple) automation to fill the empty fields with 0 if they are empty.


Thanks @amanda-dianni will give it a shot & give you feedback

Hi @amanda-dianni , i hope you are well & had great weekend.  Please can you assist on how I can add conditions to the sum calculation  because I tried playing with it over the weekend but to no avail.

@TMZ I’m sorry, I’ve just noticed our conditions for numeric fields don’t have the option of empty value :/ 

Hi @marcosmelo thanks again for the feedback.  However still not getting the desired results.  For some reason the system won't give me the option to make the ‘Dynamic Field’ equal total, in your illustration ‘Test Total’ is a dynamic field.  It only gives me the option of the ‘Short text’ field.  I’ve restarted my laptop & refreshed it.  Please can I make you a Pipe administrator so you can take a look.  thanks





Hello @TMZ ,


Did you try to add a numeric field instead of a dynamic content field? Maybe it will show in your automation if you use a numeric field.

Hi @amanda-dianni , i hope you are well & had great weekend.  Please can you assist on how I can add conditions to the sum calculation  because I tried playing with it over the weekend but to no avail.

Maybe you can try to add an automation to update your trip field to “0” when a new card is created.

Hi @thassia, thank you for your response.  Please can you give me an example with a screenshot?

Hello @TMZ 


Sure! You can see below.

Automation to update the trip field when a card is created


And the automation to use SUM


The fields trip 1, trip 2 and Total Trip must to be as numeric fields. 


Great tip @thassia 😃

Hi @thassia, thank you, will give it a try shortly and give you feedback

Thanks @thassia it worked! Much appreciated!
