I have a list with all the pipe ids I have to process (as numbers, like the pipe url), but when I send the request via webhook, the pipe_id arrives as some kind of hash.
My webhook configuration:
mutation {
clientMutationId: "1",
actions: ["card.create", "card.move"],
name: "Integration Name",
email: "email@email.com",
pipe_id: 302682925
url: "https://...",
And this is what I'm receiving in my API:
"Data": {
"Action": "card.move",
"From": { "Id": 123123, "Name": "phase 1" },
"To": { "Id": 321321, "Name": "phase 2" },
"MovedBy": {
"Id": 123,
"Name": "Usar Name",
"Username": "user-name",
"Email": "email@email.com",
"AvatarUrl": "https://..."
"Card": { "Id": 123123, "Title": "Test title", "PipeId": "2jz9X0eK" }
This "PipeId": "2jz9X0eK" needs be the pipe number (302682925).
How can I retrieve this information in the correct format?