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how can I start different phases at the same time created from an initial phase.

example: I have a detachment process in which I have to perform different tasks by areas, and each area has its assigned phase, how can I make them all start their phase without depending on the previous phase.

what is required is that when entering the preparation phase, all the required phases can be triggered at the same time.


I believe that for this case the best option is to use a secondary pipe only for tasks, or, more than one pipe if you want to split tasks by area.

You can create the tasks automatically through automation and this way, you will ensure that all tasks are started at the same time.


Julia is right. The solution using a Pipe *Father” creating connected cards in Pipes (sons) is the better way to handle this.  But take in count that updates did in the cards (son) won’t reflected automatically in the card (father).  If this situation is required you must use an integration like Workato or other.

Good luck.


I believe that for this case the best option is to use a secondary pipe only for tasks, or, more than one pipe if you want to split tasks by area.

You can create the tasks automatically through automation and this way, you will ensure that all tasks are started at the same time.

I already have a pipe for this secondary task, the parent pipe is already connected to the child pipe, and I have already achieved that a phase starts when the card arrives to the sub-pipe, what I need at this moment is that when the card arrives to the child pipe it triggers all the events in different phases, so that all the phases can be executed at the same time starting from an initial phase.


Hi Camayo


I suggest to disable the manual move and use the automation (based in criterias) to move the cards to specific phases at the same pipe.


Good luck

