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Spanish documentation

Hi Community, how are you today?

I want to know if there’s some spanish speaker members to share ideas for a Pipefy documentation in spanish. At search engine, there was no results in that language. Also, I want to know if there’s some expectations from the company to expand operations in that market, because it could be meaningful to have spanish blog entries or tutorials if Pipefy wants to widen in any spanish speaking countries.

I like Pipefy and it could be great that some spanish speakers who doesn’t have a sufficent level of fluency in english to understand the documentation can enhance all the potential who Pipefy offer to their users and companies. I’m spanish native speaker and I understand the challenges to learn another language.

Is there some expectation to have any spanish translation in the near future?

Thank you,

Agatha Benítez

2 replies

Juliana Spinardi
Pipefy Staff
agatha-vulpescode wrote:

Hi Community, how are you today?

I want to know if there’s some spanish speaker members to share ideas for a Pipefy documentation in spanish. At search engine, there was no results in that language. Also, I want to know if there’s some expectations from the company to expand operations in that market, because it could be meaningful to have spanish blog entries or tutorials if Pipefy wants to widen in any spanish speaking countries.

I like Pipefy and it could be great that some spanish speakers who doesn’t have a sufficent level of fluency in english to understand the documentation can enhance all the potential who Pipefy offer to their users and companies. I’m spanish native speaker and I understand the challenges to learn another language.

Is there some expectation to have any spanish translation in the near future?

Thank you,

Agatha Benítez


Hi Agatha! How are you? 

Yes, we have some Spanish speakers on our team. If you need specific help, you can send me an email at and give me more information about it. 

Meanwhile, you can check out our playlist on youtube here. 
It's in Spanish and you can check some tutorials ;) 

I was hoping you could suggest your idea of having Pipefy in Spanish here, in our Ideation Section! We are working on this and it would be great if you add an opinion on this! 

I hope it’s helpful for you! 
Thanks ;) 

Luis Salazar
  • Regular Participant
  • 1 reply
  • October 27, 2020

Hola Agatha, mi nombre es Luis Salazar y hablo Español. Con mucho gusto le puedo ayudar por aqui, 



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