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“Synchronize card's field with this fixed field” setting


 Hi Pipefy Communtiy,

Can someone please explain what the “synchronize card's field with this fixed field” setting does. I’m confused about what this means. I have a phase field that is being automatically updated and I can’t figure out why, none of the automations are changing that field. Could this setting be why? 

3 replies

Ezequiel Souza

This synchronization is to reflect a pinned value in another field into the field where is configured.

The value in the field  that is being automatically updated, is the same for all cards or different values?


  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 18 replies
  • February 6, 2024

@Ezequiel Souza  not sure what you mean by pinned value. The value is different for each card (under the “LUMN-I Assignee” field), but the values seem to reflect one of the previous phases fields, either “planner assignee” or “manager assignee” or “card assignee”. So they are all assignee fields. Would that setting being on pull over the values from other assignee fields?

Ezequiel Souza

Pinned it means fixed not dynamic values.



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