March Global Meetup | Boulder Longevity Case

  • 25 March 2021
  • 1 reply
March Global Meetup | Boulder Longevity Case
Userlevel 7
Badge +8


Hey, dear members! How are you doing? 

Did you lose our monthly meetup? Do not worry because you can check and share the full recording of the Boulder Longevity case. 

Lots of papers to sign and a process that could take more than 60 hours/month. Boulder Longevity is doing the same process in 2 hours/month since they started to use Pipefy. 

Susan Hirano, the Director of Strategic Operations told us more about this incredible case and more about how Pipefy is helping now other departments to achieve and deliver more velocity and quality to their clients. 

Check the Brazilian Edition here. 


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

This was a really great use-case and presentation. Thank you Susan for sharing your experience with us! And thank you to the Pipefy team for organizing these meet-ups!
