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Pipefy Groups into Pipes

Now with User groups the permission setting is way easier. You can create User groups and add those groups into pipe with Roles!Job to be done:    - Segregate users into different user groups to map users by Cost Center;    - Ability to add and remove multiple users into a pipe;    - Ability to add a single user into multiple pipes with the correct role with only one interaction;    - Excelent for governance, and for IT personas;    - Excelent for onboarding and employee movements;How it works? The users inside those groups will respect the role setup to those groups.also, users are now allowed to have multiple roles into a single pipe.So if you want to add someone as pipe admin, but this person is already a pipe member through a user group, you can add this person directly as pipe admin and the most permissive role will be the valid one!Use case (examples):    - A new hire for Finance area, can be added into Finance group, and all workflows and form acess will be granted to this user.    - Someone move from a different area and need to be removed from all the previous areas pipes and be added to the new area pipes with only 2 interactions.    - Using new feature HTTP Request Automation, to automate onboarding adding users to groups (org/pipes) without needed giving permission to everyone into groups page. 💡Groups are now valid options to add into a Pipe add users to group query available into our public API.🎓Learn more about it here


💥New trigger for HTTP Request Automation

After releasing the new action for HTTP requests on Automations, now you will also have the possibility to bring the external requests information to your pipes! 🌟Today we are releasing the new trigger for when a response is received from an HTTP request automation! How is it going to work: when creating an automation that sends an HTTP request directly from your pipe, you will see a new input field called "JSON schema", where you will be able to define the expected response for that request. After defining that schema, you can create a new automation rule using the "when a HTTP response is received" trigger, and use that exact information you defined to fill in fields in your pipe. For example:You can send the HTTP request to get complementary information about a customer or supplier that you have on an external database, and use the new trigger to fill in this information back to your Pipefy card; You can check full address information, based on a zipcode; You can check users information on external softwares, based on their email, so you can give or remove access to them just with a card move inside Pipefy; And so on…  📚Check out the updated help materials to support you in optimizing your processes:Set up an automation event How to create integrations with HTTP requests and further customize your processes using automations 👉🏼As you know, we are in constant evolution to help you achieve success. So please send us any feedbacks you have about these changes!😉 


New automation action: Automated formula

📢 One of the most requested functions of all time, top 1 in votes in our Ideas section, has become a reality! Yes, my friends, it is...🥁🥁🥁🥁👉🏼We're excited to announce the launch of Automated Formulas!🎆 Feature description: In order to solve the problem that some processes face today, of not being able to make calculations automatically natively in Pipefy, we have implemented a new automation rule, where from the pipe fields it is possible to automatically perform simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average, minimum and maximum.You can apply them to all fields of type Number, Currency and Date in your pipes, as well as their connections. The operations and functions available are:Mathematical: +, -, *, /, %, ^ Numeric: MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG(), COUNT(), ROUND() Comparisons: <, >, <=, >=, <>, = Dates: (+/-) Number - resulting in a date; Date - Date - resulting in the difference between the dates (number of days); Date (>,<,=) Date - resulting in a true or false return. Use case (examples):😎Vacation: If Card creation date is less than 30 days before Vacation start date > Automatically decline the vacation request for being outside the rules; Calculate the vacation balance of an employee based on their starting date; Automatically generate the vacation final data based on the start date and amount of days. 🤑Finance:Add a dynamic amount of credit days for a payment due date with an Original due date + Number of days of credit; Compare if the date of the expense which reimbursement is being requested is inside or outside the business rule of your reimbursement process.  For what kind of customers? Available for the whole customer base. 📌 Access this material to find out more: Feedbacks are welcome!


Try our Guest Recommendations!

Hello, community! We are excited to share some big news with all of you. Now, you can simplify and further enhance the process of bringing new guests to your organization. Introducing Guest Recommendations, a powerful feature that will revolutionize how you expand your teams with Pipefy. Based on intelligent algorithms, our platform recommends guests who seamlessly fit into your organization. 🎯Benefits:Faster and more efficient growth. Time and effort savings on sending individual invitations. Personalization and precision. Simplified tracking. And the best part? Bringing in new guests won't cost you anything extra! More employees using our platform at no additional cost. Try it out now and discover how this feature can boost your organization's growth and efficiency. Be part of this revolution! 🚀🚀 👉 This feature is intended for organization administrators and super administrators. Only these permissions can interact with the recommendations. 👉 Follow these steps and check your recommendations right now:Access the "Members" option on the Pipefy homepage; Then click on the "Suggested invites" option.There you go! You'll have access to exclusive guest recommendations for your organization generated by our algorithms.  We look forward to seeing you make the most of this exciting addition. Please share your feedback and success stories with us!Let's work together to build a more collaborative and effective future! 💪✨ 


Embed element on Interfaces

We have launched a new element to Interfaces that allows users to embed links to the feature. You can embed:⭐ Images⭐Google Docs⭐ Maps⭐ Other websites⭐ Videos⭐Public forms⭐And so much more!💪🏼By empowering users to embed various elements we expand the product’s feature set, enabling a richer, more dynamic user experience. ⚠ Note there is a risk some websites are not embeddable and might not work, as well as some Pipefy features. For instance, if a user tries to embed a dashboard from a pipe, users without access to that repo won’t be able to see it.Use case (examples):Finance/Procurement:Streamline Vendor Management:Trigger: When procurement teams need easy access to vendor information and legal agreements. Solution: Interfaces allow embedding vendor contracts and compliance documents, ensuring seamless access and efficient vendor management.IT/Platform:Expedite Troubleshooting and Knowledge Access:Trigger: Agents seek quick access to knowledge base articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides. Solution: Embedding these resources within the software empowers agents to find answers faster without leaving the platform.Human Resources:Simplify Leave Management and Approval:Trigger: When employees need to submit vacation and leave requests while HR aims to streamline the process. Solution: Embedding a customized form within the centralized portal with integrated policies, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring proper documentation.  For what kind of customers? All customer base, except for the free plan.
