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Do you believe your pet has that certain “star quality”? :star:

This month's contest is for you! I mean… it is for your pet! 


We want to invite you to share with the Pipefy Community: If you could bring any of your pets to the office which one would you bring? 


Post  a cool picture showing your dog, cat, parrot, goat, chinchilla, bird, horse, hamster, you name it, we’ve got it -  and tell us why you had chosen him/her. :heart_eyes::camera:


  :ballot_box:The three most voted (and fluffy) pet’s photo will receive a surprise gift! 


🗓️ You can post your picture until August 28th! The result will be announced on August 31st.


:checkered_flag:Start your engines, community members and may the best pet win! 🐕🐹🦎🐦🐇


Hello I'm Nina, I'm loving that my owner doesn't leave the house 🐶😍

I'd like to introduce you to Branca and Caju (@brancaju)!!! They are kind of Pipefy employees and are missing the office a lot!!



Hi everyone!

My name is Pandora and I’m a canadian dog. I’m very confortable with low temperatures, used go for a walk in the snow! Now I’m living in Curitiba and I am perfectly adapted here! 🥶❄️☃️


If you are looking for a pet star, there she is - Fika, the Fallen Star ;)

She’s a stray dog that decided to stay at our home for 16 years now and she is happily accompanying me when new Pipe is being configured.


Pets rock! 


Thank you! He is a very big baby!

This is my office mate, Cammie. She’s hard at work as usual!


This is Tobby. My dog ​​loves to go to the beach and pose for pictures! Your trips are always amazing !!!!

Esse é o Tobby. Meu dog adora ir a praia e posar para fotos! Suas viagens são sempre incríveis!!!!

Amo de paixão! 


Maverick only wishes he was an “outside” cat.  He has the good life. 

The door is actually open! 


This is Toddy, my happy and crazy dog, my best friend <3

He have 9 years old, but still run and play all the time like a puppy. My brother at home office.

Essa é a Serena… A mascotinha da GAUSS que acabou dormindo no trabalho… Consequências do home office… 

@KeelyW Mylo Ren is sooooo cute!!!

@Vinicius Castro Where is Nina? :heart_eyes:

E essa é a Kate, a segunda mascotinha da GAUSS, decidindo sobre questões complexas...

A frieza felina no olhar dela é notória! hahahahaha :grin::cat2:

@Vinicius Castro Lovely!! :hugging::cat2:

E essa é a Kate, a segunda mascotinha da GAUSS, decidindo sobre questões complexas...

@edersambo :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Those eyes!!!! 

:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Those eyes!!!! 

Thank you =D

Vitoria became part of our family one month ago, after having been left by two different families. Now she is the owner of our house and hearts!

@jaqueline-gois  Ameeii! Lindo demais :heart_eyes:

@Jefferson Dourado She looks very happy! And relaxed! :heart_eyes:

I'd like to introduce you to Branca and Caju (@brancaju)!!! They are kind of Pipefy employees and are missing the office a lot!!



Ounnnn :heart_eyes:
They seem very chill! 


@budi Flawless little girl!!!  🐶😍 🐶😍

@Alessandra Moraes Tobby is great! Adventure boy :hugging:

@Magdalena Bialkowska Lovely girl! Super photogenic :kissing_heart:

@Fernando Horta Latini hahaha Employee of the month