I’m trying to create a card via API in a pipe that has many required fields in the form.
I already tried a lot of things, mapped all the ids and the formats i should build the payload. Even with the connector’s fields, that i’m using the record id to send the value that i want.
But, i still get an error and i can’t figure out what it says to me or what should i change.
My query looks like:
mutation MyQuery {
input: {pipe_id: "12345678", fields_attributes: [
{field_id: “xxxxx”, field_value: “yyyy”},
{field_id: “xxxxx”, field_value: “yyyy”}
And the error:
"data": {
"createCard": null
"errors": [
"message": "Something went wrong",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
Pls, i need help on this