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Hello, Pipefy Community,


We have great news: now, you can integrate Pipefy with your reports tool, such as PowerBI or DataStudio, through API! Here’s how:


With Reports, you can filter data from your processes in real time, organize them into columns and export them as a spreadsheet to analyze the information you want.


If your team needs to export reports frequently and within a certain period of time, you can automate that process!


Configure an API Scheduler routine to automate report extraction using a mutation. The report will be exported in the time period you set in your scheduler.


To extract the report, two calls are needed, the first is a mutation that will obtain an ID in the response to be used in the extraction, and the second is a query, which will use the response obtained in the first to obtain the download URL of the report.


The initial call, as follows, must inform the ID of the Pipe where the report is saved and the ID of the report already formatted with all the columns and filters that you want to view in the extracted worksheet. Both IDs can be obtained from the page URL.


mutation {

  exportPipeReport(input: { pipeId: 1, pipeReportId: 1}) {

    pipeReportExport {






The response of this call will contain a numeric ID. Using this ID obtained in the previous call, you can run the following query:



  pipeReportExport(id: 20) {




    requestedBy {






The call response will contain the URL (fileURL) that you can access to download the report from your integration platform.


It is important to point out that it may take a while for the report to be available to be exported depending on the volume of information. Stay tuned and, if necessary, leave a period of time for the download. When the report is formatted for export, the information “state” should return as “done”.


All done, just upload it to your BI tool or send it to an email as an attachment!


Rate Limits

Pipe Reports Exportation feature relies on Rate Limits, a common technique to ensure security, reliability, and a consistent developer experience, by limiting the number of requests in a time interval.

For Pipe Reports Export the rate limit is 25 requests in 24 hours, for each pipe.

In case of reaching this limit, you must wait for 24 hours from the time the last request was made. Any request in this time interval won't be processed and will contain a rate limit reached message displayed on "errors" in the response payload.



I would still need to manually upload the report to DataStudio anyways, right?

@nicolas-stegmann1 : DataStudio has an API too, so no, not necessarily.


@loise-franco : I think that is highly useful to us, so thank you very much, that saves us a ton of additional API queries. Could you maybe add the corresponding documentation to your API-docs, ? That would be even more helpful, especially to see all fields that are available etc., and maybe also if there is a query to list all reports of a pipe etc.

Hello @genietim !

Here is the API documentation:

The fields in the Reports are the same fields and structure already provided in the interface.
About the query to list all reports of a pipe, we don't have that yet. I will put this in the ProductBoard ideas. Thank you for your opinion!

Hola, pueden crear un ejemplo real y crear un video? sería de mucha utilidad para los menos expertos.

Muchas gracias,


@ivan-fernandez Hey, Ivan. We asked the Education Team to create the video. As soon as we finish it, I’ll send it for you. 

@ivan-fernandez Hey, Ivan. We asked the Education Team to create the video. As soon as we finish it, I’ll send it for you. 

Muchas Gracias!! estaré atento 

@ivan-fernandez Hey, Ivan. We asked the Education Team to create the video. As soon as we finish it, I’ll send it for you. 

Olá Juliana, poderia me enviar este video também?

@ivan-fernandez Hey, Ivan. We asked the Education Team to create the video. As soon as we finish it, I’ll send it for you. 

Olá Juliana, poderia me enviar este video também?



As soon as I have it, I will send to you! 

Hi @Juliana Spinardi . One question, the report api returns to me an excel file with headers in english. Is there any way to set that to another language, like portuguese? We used to extract the same reports manually and the manual process returned headers in portuguese. 

Hey @vinibonelli, what hearders are you talking about? Can you post a print of it?


Would I still need to manually import the report into Power BI? Is there any way to use the Pipefy API to integrate data from a specific report into Power BI?

Hi @Gabriel Candido!

You can make this connection in a few ways:

- Through the customized Pipefy connector with Power BI

- Extract the data to a cloud (AWS, CGP ETC) and connect Power BI with the cloud.

- Extract directly via M (Power Query)

As Lucas mentioned in this post: 


@ivan-fernandez Hey, Ivan. We asked the Education Team to create the video. As soon as we finish it, I’ll send it for you. 

1- I don't see the video, it was recorded in the end
2- In case it was recorded, can you send it to me?

Thanks Juliana!

I intend to make the export to Google Drive automatic every so often, could someone give us a quote to do the automation? Thanks!
