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Can I send an email via API as a reply to the previously received e-mail?

For example, I´d receive and email from with the subject "Need your help" and tried to reply using the api as follow:


mutation {
input: {
repo_id: :pipe_id]
card_id: :card_id]
subject: "Re: Need your help",
from: "pipeppipe_id]+]card_id]"
to: " address I'd received the email from]",
html: "<b>just a reply test</b>",
) {
inbox_email {


But at least on my Gmail I receive the answer in a new thread not as a reply on the previous one.

Any idea?



Hello Paulo how are you? 😊
We did several analysis and saw that this action is not possible at the moment, please send a feddback to our responsible team( HERE) so we can in the future see the possibility of implementation.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us😉

Hey @Karine Cristina , thank for your answer and yes I gonna submit my feedback.

Uh, important yet awesome idea, can you share the link here, @Paulo Rodrigues ?
