BUGs in Dashboard beta version

  • 29 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hello! I tried using the Dashboard feature today and found a couple bugs that I’d like to share!


1) Can’t select my Dashboard: I created a Dashboard and then was creating a chart. When I finished creating the chart I couldn’t select the Dashboard to add the Chart in:


2) When creating a Pie Chart, I feel like every little change I do causes the Show Values checkbox to get unchecked:


2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @jorge.barbi hope you and your family are fine! 


I did the same adjustment in my dashboards:

  1. Create a Pie chart
  2. Checkbox "Show Values" marked
  3. Update

After that i will see the "old" dashboard, looks like take a bit to reload with the new changes that we did.

what i do is that, every time i change something i reload the entire page to see the newest dashboard

Example: after step 1,2,3 without reload the page i can see the "%" and not the Value

But, after reload i can see the Values and you can see the other chart are loading


Can you try that? 
And for sure we already let our team knows and they will analyse that.

About the other situation, add a new chart i think will be the same. Could you reload the page after you create a new chart?
My step by step:
Create a new chart > Add to dashboard > Save > Reload the page > Works

Thanks for your feedback and if you have any question let us know :) 
All the best

Userlevel 2

I won’t test it now as I am a bit short on time; I’d rather wait for either the evolution of Beta version or the moment I reach the implementation status (on my projects) of setting up the dashboards. Anyways, thanks for the feednack @mozart-morales! My bests. 
