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Hi community


I'm trying to create a card in my pipe, but it only shows the error message ""query not found"":{""mutation"":""{ createCard( input:{ pipe_id:ID phase_id:ID title:'Test' fields_attributes:: field_id:ID field_value:VALUE ]} ) { card { id title } } }""}Response:
""message"": ""query not found""

Hi there Nigel! 

It seems to be a syntax error. Here is the correct syntax for the createCard command:

mutation {
pipe_id: 1111
phase_id: 2222
title: "title of card"
fields_attributes: {field_id:"field_id", field_value: "value"}]
card {

## field_id can be found using a query, looking within Phase object



Hi @Nigel O'connell 


It is a unexpected error message and seems to be a technical issue. Did you tried chatting with Pipefy Help? 
