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Interacting with customers is crucial to keep them engaged with your brand and products. It helps to turn high-qualified leads into opportunities and, eventually, new deals.


But you don't have to do it manually: use Pipefy's automations to boost your communication with customers and improve your team's performance, by eliminating tedious and repetitive work.


Here is a guide on how to do it:


  1. Create an email template to nurture leads about your business.

  2. Add a new phase to your pipe, and call it Nurturing (if you're using the Lead Qualification Template, skip this step)

  3. Set a maximum period of time (SLA) for leads to stay in this new phase. This is will be the number of days until your leads will receive the nurturing email. For example: 3 days. It’ll start counting as soon as you move the card to the Nurturing phase.

  4. Create automation: Choose when an alert is triggered as the event, add a condition current phase is equal to nurturing, and select late alert as the alert type. Then, pick send email as action, plus the email template you've created in the first step.


Now, every time you move a lead to the Nurturing stage, they receive an automatic email after remaining 3 days in this phase.


Need more help? Check more detailed information below.



Why nurture leads?


During lead qualification, you may find some of your prospects are in the awareness stage. To engage and encourage them to move forward, create an automated nurturing campaign: time-based emails that are automatically sent to disclosure offers or any other relevant information about your business.


This is a good strategy to drive sales, because it promotes a relationship between you and your prospects, increasing the chances to close more deals.


It is also cost and time-effective since you won’t have to spend hours composing direct messages. The automation is going to do it for you!



Full guide: automated nurturing emails in Pipefy


The first thing is to create an email template, to standardize your message. Give a personal touch by adding dynamic fields.


If you’re not using the Lead Qualification Template, add a phase to your pipe: Hover the cursor between two phases, and click on the plus sign. Call it Nurturing and save it!




Now, let's define how often your leads will receive your email. Hover the cursor over the new phase. Click on the gear button.




Select advanced options, and set a late alert. 3 days, for example. Save it.





The last step is to set up the automation! Click on automate, in your pipe's header.





Go to the create automation page, and choose when an alert is triggered as the event. Select late alert as the alert type.






Add a condition to specify when this automation is supposed to happen. In this case: current phase is equal to nurturing.





Next, pick send email as action, plus the email template you've previously created.


Give your automation a name and save.





You're ready to go!



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