Send reports automatically on a preset time

Creating reports is already possible. You can download the report or mail the report.

I create different reports for different purposes and different people and would like to automate the flow.

Suggestion here : to send the report automatically by mail to certain persons on a certain (fix) time (f.ex weekly or monthly..)

I’ll reply on my own post → maybe use the automations like this -> Recurring activity + action send report x

That’s an excellent idea! It would be extremely useful.


Good idea!

Thank you, @bart-batselier for yet another feedback. :slight_smile:

We already have this improvement mapped in our backlog. We have had many customers asking for a recurrent report sending action for automations, and we will very much probably do it. I just don't know yet when, so I will forward this to the product manager responsible for reports ( @Rodrigo Leite ).


Giovanni Basso

Product Manager @ Pipefy

Updated idea status NewSubmitted

@Giovanni Basso @Rodrigo Leite 

Thanks for picking this one up, this will certainly bu useful for more customers of Pipefy as well!

I have a customer who asked this today. They would like to automate report running.

That’s an excelent idea. Looking forward for this feature!

Thats really is a good idea

Nice one

@Rodrigo Leite @Giovanni Basso 

Hi team, is there any news on this topic?

I think it might help a lot of your customers ?

Hi @bart-batselier thanks for mentioning this topic.

We have some improvements that the product team is discussing regarding the evolution of our Automation platform and this is really a good idea. I'm going to include it as well in our list of improvements. :blush:



This would be incredibly useful to have. Any news?

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