Create new card label for Start Form vs Kanban view

If you change the “Create card button text” in the Start Form’s advanced options, not only does this change how that text appears in a Connected Field on the Start Form, but it also changes the text on the “create card” button of the Kanban view.


My idea is to make these two separate settings. 


As an example: having the Create card button text say “Create new card” makes sense on the Kanban view, but in my Start Form’s Connected Field where I’m asking users to simply connect their new card to an existing one, the words “Create new card” don’t make sense. But if I change the text in the advanced options, it will change it in both the Start Form and the Kanban view. This means I either need to think of some way to label that button so it makes sense in both scenarios or else accept the fact that one of the labels will no longer make sense. 


This is in relation to this topic where I changed the text to read “Search existing cards” so that the Connected Field makes sense. But now the Kanban view button also says “Search existing cards” and that doesn’t make sense: 


Hey, @Sarah Lane, that's a relevant point, indeed. I think that, from a customization perspective, the two things should be editable in the process, so that it's fully adaptable for any kind of situation. But we also have a way to pursue this by giving fixed titles when it comes to the text to be shown only on the context of connection (depending on the configuration, if it's only create, only search, or create and search). In either case, it is something that needs improvement and a little bit of study from our side.

I'm adding this to our backlog of improvements needed, and thank you so much for bringing this point. If in the meantime you find any other scenario related to this issue, please keep sending here on this thread, and it will be accounted for once we start working on that in the future.

Thank you @Rodrigo Subirá !

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