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Find a card in Zapier

  • Regular Participant
  • 1 reply

Hi guys,


When we generate a lead through our Facebook campaign, our leads are created as a card in our Sales pipe. Right after we receive their details, we send an email explaining them that they can expect a call within 24h OR they can plan a call through Calendly themselves, in case they are busy.


Now, to make this process easier for our sales team, I’d like to automatically give the card a label (preferably) or fill out a field in the form that warns my sales team that this customer already planned a call, so they don’t have to call the lead themselves.


As I’ve seen in Zapier, there is an option to find a card (in the invite-only pipefy 1.1.0 app) but only based on the title of the card. Next to that, it’s not possible to add a label through Zapier.


I’m sure you will create 1000s of opportunities by expanding the options in the Zap. Right now my only option is doing it manually after a Calendly booking has been made, and I have to act super fast as my sales guys are very much on top of their leads - meaning that if I’m gone for 5 minutes they are calling a customer that has already booked a call, making it pretty unprofessional.


Looking forward to hear from the community and the dev team!


Kind regards,


4 replies

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • August 25, 2021

I am not quite sure whether your problem is the “finding the card to add a label to” or the “add label to card”. For the latter, you should be able to use the workaround described here, together with the Zapier’s “edit field”:

For the former, you could use the invitee as a card title (or as part of a card title, e.g. auto-concatenate using automations) and then use the existing Zapier infrastructure.


Other possibilities exist, e.g. using connected cards if you do not want to change the “main” card’s title, or develop an external website which can combine Calendly and Pipefy using their APIs.

  • Superuser
  • 157 replies
  • August 25, 2021

@genietim is right, try to connect the cards

  • 0 replies
  • September 22, 2021

Hello everyone, thank you all for the participation on this thread. Take a look here @Rodrigo Leite, there are some nice use cases being discussed, as well as possibilities of improvements in our Zapier integrations.

In any case, I'm submitting it to our product team. 

  • 0 replies
  • September 22, 2021
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

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