Hi guys,
When we generate a lead through our Facebook campaign, our leads are created as a card in our Sales pipe. Right after we receive their details, we send an email explaining them that they can expect a call within 24h OR they can plan a call through Calendly themselves, in case they are busy.
Now, to make this process easier for our sales team, I’d like to automatically give the card a label (preferably) or fill out a field in the form that warns my sales team that this customer already planned a call, so they don’t have to call the lead themselves.
As I’ve seen in Zapier, there is an option to find a card (in the invite-only pipefy 1.1.0 app) but only based on the title of the card. Next to that, it’s not possible to add a label through Zapier.
I’m sure you will create 1000s of opportunities by expanding the options in the Zap. Right now my only option is doing it manually after a Calendly booking has been made, and I have to act super fast as my sales guys are very much on top of their leads - meaning that if I’m gone for 5 minutes they are calling a customer that has already booked a call, making it pretty unprofessional.
Looking forward to hear from the community and the dev team!
Kind regards,