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Delete Automation | Deleting cards based in triggers

Hi, there! I would like to submit an idea of creating an automation to delete cards, based in how much time it’s in a phase and other triggers, like entering a phase or recurrent activity.


Here at Okiuna we use Pipefy solutions to manage everything, from to-do-list to logistic operations, warehouse management, financial processes and a lot more. And we need so much an automation like these, because we have a lot of cards being created every time.


I see Pipefy going in a direction of being able to be a life saver for every kind of business, and I’m pretty sure that this is a function that every company that manage thousands of cards need.



3 replies

  • Pipefy Legend
  • 412 replies
  • December 7, 2021

We do this by having a “deleted” phase. The automation simply moves the card there. The reason why we consider this better than actually deleting it is twofold:

  • keep the data: you never know if it comes in handy somewhen else
  • be safe: whatever your automation is, I would not want it to be configured wrongly. If it just moves, I can move the card back, and bam, restored.

  • 0 replies
  • February 12, 2022

Great suggestion, @genietim! And thanks for bringing this point @Felype Terra, although it's a risky point, as mentioned by @genietim, I'll submit to our team so they can analyze it better.

Also, I'm really happy to know how much of our solution you are taking value from at Okiuna! :heart_eyes:

  • 0 replies
  • February 12, 2022
Updated idea statusNewSubmitted

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